Parking Policy

POL U-1027

Faculty, staff and students are expected to comply with campus parking rules and regulations. Parking permits and a copy of current parking regulations may be obtained from the Office of Campus Public Safety.

Parking Assessment Memo

Friday, June 1, 2018

Patient Complaints About Privacy Practices - Policy and Procedure


In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Pacific University patients may complain about how Pacific University uses and discloses their Protected Health Information (PHI). All patient complaints will be submitted to the HIPAA Privacy Officer for investigation and resolution. (See the policy document for procedures on submitting a complaint.)

Pacific University has established a comprehensive HIPAA privacy and security program to prevent unauthorized access to protected health information (PHI). This policy sets forth Pacific's approach to investigating and responding to patient complaints about privacy practices. This policy applies to the workforce members of Pacific University’s Healthcare Clinics.  Pacific University is a hybrid entity. Only the health care component (i.e., the covered functions) of Pacific University must comply with this policy. All references in this policy to “Pacific University” shall be construed to refer only to the health care components of Pacific University.

Updated August 2023

Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017

Payroll Advance Request

Request an advance on your pay.

Monday, June 27, 2016

PCI Compliance Policy

This policy has been created to assist employees in understanding the importance of protecting card holder data and informing employees about the new rules surrounding safeguarding information.

Personnel Records

POL - U1030

Human Resources maintains the official personnel files for all current and past employees to document benefits and employment related decisions and comply with federal and state recordkeeping requirements.


Supervisors are discouraged from keeping informal files on employees. But supervisors may temporarily maintain records concerning ongoing employee performance. These records will be considered personnel records if they fall within the definition of “personnel records” as defined by ORS 652.750. Supervisors must follow all personnel record retention and confidentiality requirements and must transmit any personnel records to Human Resources in a timely manner and upon request by Human Resources.


Employees have a right to access their personnel records. An employee who wishes to review their personnel file should contact Human Resources to schedule a mutually convenient time when the file can be reviewed at the University. The personnel file cannot be removed from the Human Resources Department. In addition to reviewing their personnel records at the University or in lieu of that, employees may request hard or electronic copies of their personnel records. In accordance with Oregon law, a reasonable charge will be made for hard copies requested by employees.


To ensure the confidentiality of personnel information, access to an employee’s personnel file is limited to the employee, an employee’s authorized representative, and authorized administrators and supervisors.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Pharos Print Credit Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for use of printing credits for the Pharos stations located on Pacific University’s Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Eugene, and Woodburn campuses. This policy applies to all Pacific University students and employees.

University Information Services (UIS) deploys and maintains printing and copy stations to numerous locations at Pacific University campus locations where there are high concentrations of students. This system is primarily for student use. Employees should utilize printing resources provided by their departments or use the Service Center for larger quantities of copies but may use the Pharos printing system for small quantities when away from their departmental resources.  All employee Pharos printing charges will be billed to the employee’s department. Currently enrolled Pacific University students receive an annual printing credit, currently set at $60.00, for use of the Pharos printing system. The credit does not apply to sponsored student accounts or students who are not currently enrolled in classes.

PUN ID required to review policy.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Pharos Print Credit Policy | UIS


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for use of printing credits for the Pharos stations located on Pacific University’s Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Eugene, and Woodburn campuses.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Political Campaign Activity Policy

Pacific University supports the principles of Academic Freedom and encourages free and open discussion of ideas and opinions. As part of its dedication to active citizenship, the university encourages students, faculty, and staff to exercise their civic rights to participate as individuals in the political process.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Posthumous Degree Policy


The Posthumous Degree Policy articulates the criteria by which a posthumous degree can be awarded.

A PUNet ID is required to review this policy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Privacy & Confidentiality | FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is the federal law that governs release of, and access to, student education records.

Friday, Oct. 17, 2014

Privacy Release

Please fill out and return this form to Financial Aid to give us permission to speak with others about your financial aid.

Program Handbook | Forest Grove University Supervisor Handbook

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Program Handbook | Mentor Teacher Field Experience Handbook (Eugene)

Mentor teacher handbook for field experience

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Program Handbook | Mentor Teacher Handbook (Eugene)

Student teaching mentor teacher handbook

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Program Handbook | Mentor Teacher Handbook (Forest Grove Initial Licensure Programs)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Program Handbook | Mentor Teacher Handbook (Forest Grove SPED Program)

Special education program, mentor teacher handbook

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Protected Data Communication via Conferencing and Video Services


This policy establishes the required guidelines for the use of HIPAA/FERPA protected healthcare conferencing and video services (e.g. Healthcare Zoom) by workforce members to discuss Protected Data.  Permitted uses are: case conferences, preceptor consultations, HIPAA/FERPA protected conferencing and video services, student performance measures, care coordination, student advising sessions, and administrative meetings.

PUNID required to review policy.

Updated August 2022.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Reconsideration of Library & Archives Materials Policy

POL - LIB2602

Pacific University is “committed to free and open inquiry in matters concerning the advancement of knowledge. In order to carry out our mission, we encourage all community members to speak, write, listen, challenge, and learn through a full, open, and civil discussion of ideas.”

In support of free and open inquiry, the Pacific University Libraries acquire and provide access to information resources to support Pacific’s diverse range of academic programs and areas of inquiry, and to encourage intellectual discovery by our students, staff, and faculty.

The intent of this policy and procedure is to help the Libraries create and curate collections that are inclusive and that inform our community's pursuit of education and knowledge without doing harm. 

PROCEDURE - Reconsideration of Library & Archives Materials

PUNID required to view policy and procedure.

Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022

Record Retention & Destruction Policy - Clinics


This policy describes and defines the retention and destruction of Protected Health Information (PHI) of patients of the healthcare component of Pacific University. The entire record must be maintained for the required period.

This policy is in accordance with all regulations related to the retention and storage of PHI, including but not limited to the follow healthcare regulations: HIPAA, HITECH, Oregon Administrative Rules, Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Medical Board.  In cases where regulation and laws offer conflicting retention schedules, Pacific University will comply with the most restrictive requirement.

Additional Key Documents
HCOCC Record Retention Schedule
FRM-4840-1 Certificate of Destruction - On Site
FRM-4840-2 Certificate of Destruction - Vendor


Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021

Referral Matrix

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014
