The Office of Marketing & Communications shares stories and news about Pacific University, its students, faculty, staff and alumni both with internal and external audiences.
If you are interested in conducting media coverage of Pacific University, bringing a news crew to one of our campuses, contacting an expert faculty member as a source for a story, or interviewing Pacific faculty, staff or students, please contact us at News media reporting on Boxer Athletics, Pacific's NCAA Division III intercollegiate sports program, may instead work directly with the Sports Information Office.
Pacific is a privately owned and operated institution of higher learning, though we strive to be an open resource for its larger communities.
Pacific campuses are open to the public during normal business hours and during public events.
News media members are required to contact the Office of Marketing & Communications in advance of arriving on any Pacific location for reporting purposes, including news gathering, interviews, photography, filming, or broadcast transmission.
All university employees should notify Marketing & Communications, or the Sports Information Office for athletics, regarding any requests from news media.
Non-journalistic commercial request to film or photograph on campus are subject to the university’s filming policy.