Cell Phone Stipend Agreement | UIS

This is the agreement and form to request a cell phone stipend for an employee.  For more information see the Cell Phone Service Guidelines and Policy.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Change of Information Policy

POL - U1021

It is the responsibility of staff members to update relevant information such as address, telephone number or tax status, in applicable systems and if unable, the staff member shall notify the Human Resource Office of changes.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Charitable Gaming Policy


This policy applies to anyone seeking to conduct a charitable gaming activity to raise money to benefit any part of Pacific University.


  • Charitable gaming: consists of bingo, raffle and Monte Carlo events in which the proceeds are used to fund the activities of tax-exempt nonprofit organizations. Regulated by the Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ).
  • Sponsoring party: organization within the university intending to offer a charitable gaming activity, may include employees, parents, students and/or alumni.
  • Charitable donation: A charitable donation is a gift made by an individual or an organization to a nonprofit organization, charity or private foundation. Charitable donations are commonly in the form of cash, but they can also take the form of real estate, motor vehicles, appreciated securities, physical items and other assets or services.


  • Charitable gaming activities sponsored by parties within Pacific University must follow the laws of the state in which the activity is held, regardless of the beneficiary of the activity. Pacific University will not conduct charitable gaming activities in states where such activity is illegal.
  • All charitable gaming activities must be reported to University Advancement— see below for additional details, and University Advancement may forbid such activities if they are not compliant with the laws of the state in which the activity will take place. advancementrequests@pacificu.edu or 503-352-2057.
  • University Advancement will maintain a record of all charitable gaming activity and secure and maintain Pacific University’s charitable gaming license(s).

Please see policy document for more information.
PUNID required to view policy. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Clinical Observers, Visitors, and Volunteers Policy


The purpose of this policy is to describe the policy and procedure for requesting and approving access for authorizing short-term access to patient care areas or to view patient care.

Pacific University has established a comprehensive HIPAA privacy and security program to prevent unauthorized access to protected health information (PHI). This policy sets forth Pacific's approach for any person, invited or otherwise authorized to enter Pacific University patient-care areas or to view patient care in any Pacific University Healthcare clinical location, who is not formally associated with the Pacific University Healthcare clinical workforce.

Any person, invited or otherwise authorized to enter Pacific University Healthcare Clinic patient-care areas or to view patient care in any Pacific University Healthcare clinical location, who is not formally associated with the Pacific University Healthcare clinical workforce, must be accounted for, either by a formal registration process, or a more informal approval process for short-term access to patient care areas. Such visitors must be accompanied and/or supervised by a Pacific University representative from the patient care area or location at all times. The Pacific University Healthcare Clinic representative is responsible for the actions of the visitor, including any direct or indirect access to protected health information (PHI).

PUNet ID Required to review.

Updated February 2023.

Form - Request to Observe Patient Care

Form - Request to Volunteer

Form - Pacific University Healthcare Clinic HIPAA Information Guide

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019

Código De Conducta (Empleados)

El Código de Conducta describe principios, pólizas y algunas de las leyes que gobiernan las actividades de la Universidad y a las cuales nuestros empleados que representan la Universidad deben adherirse. El código de conducta ofrece orientación para una conducta profesional.

College of Education Personnel Committee Handbook

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Commercial Filming on University Property Policy

POL - UA6002

Pacific University will allow commercial filming on campus in instances when and where the filming project will be least disruptive to the academic or student life experience and ordinary operations of the university. Commercial filming by non-University entities offers many benefits, however, it can pose risks to the people, programs, and property of Pacific University. This policy mitigates those risks and outlines established rules and procedures to guide commercial filming.



Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Complaint Resolution Procedure - Staff

POL - U1011

In any organization, misunderstandings and problems can develop which require clarification and attention. These disagreements may involve peers or an employee and a supervisor. Each person involved in a disagreement should be treated with respect and a grievance should not be discussed with anyone other than the person(s) involved in its resolution. Pacific University provides each employee with this process for resolving a work-related complaint.

This policy does not apply to complaints related to harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, age, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by applicable local, state or federal law. These concerns should be reported immediately following the procedures outlined in the Harassment Including Sexual Harassment policy.

Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018

Conflict of Interest

POL - U1012

A conflict of interest is considered to exist if an employee’s actions, activities or practices on behalf of the University result in preferential treatment or an improper gain or advantage to the employee, the individual’s family or business associates, or conversely, has a detrimental effect on the University’s interests. It can include an instance in which an employee fails to exercise due care, skills and judgment on behalf of the University on the performance of the individual’s duties because of a conflict of interest.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

All faculty members with 0.5 FTE or greater appointments must submit this form annually. Contact the executive assistant to your college for the link to complete the current year's form or contact the Provost's Office at provost@pacificu.edu

Friday, Aug. 26, 2016

Consensual Relationship Policy

POL - U1009

For purposes of this policy, a consensual relationship is a mutually acceptable intimate, romantic and/or sexual relationship between a University employee with supervisory, teaching, evaluation or advisory authority and an employee or student who is supervised, taught or advised by that employee. 

Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010

Course Level Guidelines | CAS

This document provides a general, college-wide meaning for the definition of course levels.

Monday, Feb. 9, 2015

COVID-19 Telework Policy

Any telework arrangement approved under this policy is intended to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, without putting undue burden, undue added expense, or undue operational difficulty on the supervisor, team, department, and/or University. This policy is only applicable during time periods when the University has determined that this policy is necessary because of the Coronavirus situation. The University reserves the right to revoke this policy and the arrangements approved under this policy at any time, based on the University’s sole discretion.

TeleWork Agreement Form (Form only)

Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy


To support the health and well-being of our community during a declared pandemic, Pacific University (“Pacific”) is implementing a COVID-19 vaccination policy.

This policy is designed to be consistent with federal, state, and local public health guidance.This policy is a critical part of our overall strategy and commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This policy is designed for use together with, and not as a substitute for, other COVID-19 prevention and mitigation measures outlined in Pacific’s HR Return to Campus Guidelines for Faculty & Staff and corresponding guidance documents provided to students.

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy - Spanish

Friday, April 30, 2021

Credit for Prior Experiential Learning

POL - AA2012

This policy describes the procedures in relation to awarding credit for prior experiential learning, including the award of credit for selected credit-for-examination programs.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Credit for Prior Experiential Learning - Undergraduate

Pacific University is committed to honoring undergraduate students’ prior experiential learning as a means of satisfying their degree and certificate program requirements (including Pacific’s Undergraduate Core/general education, majors, minors, specializations, electives, and other requirements).

Under this policy, Pacific University aims to award Credit for Prior Experiential Learning (CPEL) to undergraduate students. This policy is applicable to all undergraduate programs in each college including College of Arts & Sciences, College of Business, College of Education and in all locations including Forest Grove, Eugene, and Woodburn.

This policy is nested under the umbrella Credit for Prior Learning Policy


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Cultural Collections Deaccessioning Policy


Pacific University has maintained unique collections of artifacts, art, and archival records for many years. While the great majority of these materials will remain at Pacific indefinitely, occasionally some items need to be transferred or discarded – a process formally described as “deaccessioning” – from our permanent collections. Professional guidelines for museums and archives recommend that formal standards for deaccessioning be created and maintained by collecting institutions. This policy provides: standards for considering materials for deaccessioning; the authorities and restrictions on making deaccessioning decisions; and the valid means of disposal or transfer of deaccessioned materials.

Cultural Collections Deaccessioning Policy

Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022

Curriculum Committee Policies 2014 | CAS

Monday, Feb. 9, 2015

Curriculum Proposals | Curriculum Change Template

 Proposal for new curriculum change

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Curriculum Proposals | Curriculum Committee New Program Form

Curriculum Committee New Program Form

Principles to be followed for new program design

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
