Emergency Closures Policy

POL - U1017

Pacific University will make every attempt to keep offices and services operating inclement weather. However, there are occasions when severe inclement weather may necessitate closure of the university. In that event, the procedures within this policy will be observed. 

In the event of emergency closure, the University’s web site (www.pacificu.edu) will be updated with information about closures and /or late openings at the Forest Grove, Portland, and Eugene campuses. In addition, the University’s main switchboard at 503-357-6151 will have a recorded message if the University is closed. It is the responsibility of each employee to monitor this information. Additionally, information will be placed on local media regarding the University’s closures or late openings, but keep in mind that television and radio stations need extra time to update these messages.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Emergency Response System Policy

POL - U1018

In the event of an emergency the Pacific University Emergency Plan provides the guidelines to minimize the threat to life, health, and property due to natural disasters, medical emergencies, fires, and utility failures. The Pacific University General Emergency Plan is known to the campus community and is distributed to managers, supervisors, and student representatives. Training sessions are provided for all employees and students.

If, in the view of the University President or his/her designee, a condition occurs that might endanger the health and welfare of students, faculty, staff, or property of Pacific University, the Emergency Administrative System (EAS) will be activated by the University President or designee. Identified personnel will proceed immediately to open the Emergency Operations Center and follow established priority objectives and oversee response and recovery activities.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Employment of Relatives

POL - U1013

The University will not prohibit the employment of relatives provided that the employment does not create a conflict of interest and has been based on merit principles and that a member of the employee’s family does not influence the selection process.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Employment Verification Policy

POL - U1031

Pacific University will verify employment and respond to reference requests regarding current and former faculty and staff to outside organizations who request such information for credit or employment purposes.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Energy Management Policy


Pacific University’s energy management policy is designed to establish an understanding and support for sustainability and energy conservation in our local community and the world around us. 

Pacific University will regularly review energy consumption and implement methods to improve overall energy management and lower energy consumption. The Energy Management Team will recommend targets to university leadership.

PUNetID required to view policy document.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Equal Opportunity Policy

POL - U1001

The Equal Opportunity Policy provides the framework for upholding inclusion, diversity and equity at Pacific University in all academic and employment practices.

Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016

External Consulting Disclosure Form

Please submit this form for each new external consulting arrangement to the college dean or to the Provost for non-college faculty members. Please note that if you have paid external consulting work you also need to fill out the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

Friday, Aug. 26, 2016

Facilities Access and Maintenance Control Policy and Procedures | UIS


In support of the physical security safeguards described in NIST standards, Pacific University will implement policies and procedures to prevent unauthorized access to facilities and document the repairs and modifications to the physical components of a facility related to Protected Data security (for example, hardware, walls, doors and locks). This includes access to defined spaces as well as maintenance performed on equipment.

PUNID required to review policy.

Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019

Faculty and Staff Tuition Assistance Policy


This policy describes the tuition assistance available to benefit eligible employees for graduate/professional programs at Pacific University.

For selected Pacific programs of study that are not already covered by the University employee tuition remission policy, and that are designed for working professionals, such as those with hybrid or distance- based curricula and/or a part time schedule, benefit eligible employees may receive tuition assistance not to exceed the value set annually by the IRS per calendar year as tax exempt, toward their Pacific degree program. Tuition charges and applicable fees in excess of the IRS approved amount will be the financial responsibility of the employee. Employees must be admitted and matriculated into a degree or certificate program to receive this benefit, and must maintain the program standard for academic good standing. Failure to maintain sufficient academic standards will result in a loss of this benefit.

For each new cohort (class) the Colleges may accept eligible and qualified employees as students in each degree or certificate program on a space available basis. Note that each program maintains ultimate decision-making authority on admissions decisions per program policies, procedures. Once an employee is accepted into the program, the tuition assistance will continue until the employee graduates as long as academic good standing is continuously maintained.


  • Employees must be in good standing
  • Employees must have been employed at Pacific for at least one year
  • Employees must be benefit eligible
  • Employees must be admitted to the program BEFORE they can apply for the assistance

Please see full policy for eligible programs. 

PUNID required to view policy. 

Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021

Finance and Administration Records Retention Policy

POL - FA4003

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that necessary records and documents are adequately protected and maintained and to ensure that records that are no longer needed or of no value are discarded at the appropriate time. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Financial Irregularity

POL - U1014

Committed to the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior, employees are expected to report known or suspected financial irregularities. Employees reporting known or suspected financial irregularities in good faith must feel safe and protected from retaliation. Employees found to have been making frivolous claims under the policy will be subject to disciplinary action. The purpose of this policy statement is to provide a formal protocol for communication among relevant parties.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Floating Holiday Award for Commencement Event Staff Policy and Procedures


Pacific University has adopted a Floating Holiday Award for Commencement Event Staff to recognize the additional duties and contributions for exempt staff when assisting with the May and August commencement ceremonies.  

Floating Holiday Award for Commencement - HR Procedures Document


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

General Guidelines to Safeguard Protected Health Information - Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide practical steps that workforce members can take to achieve the general limitations on the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI) as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPAA. 

The following guidelines are in accordance with the final Security Rule and consistent with the HIPAA privacy requirement to safeguard protected health information (PHI).  See 45 CFR § 164.530(c).  Use of these guidelines will improve the security of protected health information, and will also increase workforce awareness of the importance of keeping protected health information private.

Pacific University will use reasonable administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect the privacy of protected health information and limit incidental uses or disclosures of protected health information. All members of the Pacific University workforce will follow these guidelines in handling protected health information (PHI) in order to protect the privacy of protected health information and limit incidental uses and disclosures.

PUNet ID Required to review
Updated May 2023

Confidentiality Statement for Fax with PHI Template (Updated September 2024)

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020

Gifts, Awards, and Prizes Policy


This policy is intended to clarify the University’s expectations and requirements regarding purchasing gifts, gift cards, awards, and prizes utilizing university and student funds.  In addition, this policy outlines when gifts, gift cards, awards, and prizes may be appropriate, the proper procedure for submitting recipient information, the corresponding tax treatment, and to help prevent any potential fraud or misuse of university resources. 

This policy applies to all Pacific University employees, students, and non-employees associated with the University.

The policy is approved as of 3/1/22 but will have a grace period for potential consequences or sanctions for violation of the policy until 7/1/22. 

PUNID Required to view policy. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Gifts— Healthcare Workforce Members


To provide ethical guidance to healthcare clinic workforce members as it relates to relationships with individuals and entities that supply goods and services to our clinics. To set forth the required standards of conduct for all employees regarding the acceptance of gifts, educational or travel subsidies, entertainment, meals, and any other form of remuneration from suppliers and business partners that refer or are in a position to refer health care business or those that provide products or services used in the delivery of health care.

The scope of this policy is all workforce members of Pacific University’s health care component. Pacific University is a hybrid entity. The health care component (i.e., the covered functions) of Pacific University must comply with this policy. All references in this policy to “Pacific University” shall be construed to refer only to the health care component of Pacific University. In addition to this policy, Pacific University also requires that designated employees, researchers, and governing board members comply with various Conflict of Interest policies concerning disclosures of financial interests and relationships with vendors, research sponsors, and business partners.

PUNet ID required to view policy.
Updated August 2023.

Friday, Dec. 20, 2019

Graduate-Professional Enrollment in Undergraduate Courses


The program faculties of Pacific University recognize that sometimes graduate students may be advised by the graduate program director or their academic advisor to take an undergraduate course to meet certain proficiency requirements or to prepare them for knowledge or skills of an unfamiliar field that will benefit their graduate research, such as skills required for interdisciplinary work. This policy provides guidelines and restrictions for Pacific graduate students enrolling in undergraduate-level coursework at Pacific.

PUNID Required to view policy.

Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021

Harassment Including Sexual Harassment

POL - U1010

Pacific University reaffirms the principle that its students, faculty, and staff have a right to be free from harassment in workplace and academic settings and activities. Harassment is inconsistent with the nature of an academic community and in some circumstances can be a violation of federal and state law.

Updated July 2024

Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2018

Healthcare Billing and Coding - Auditing and Monitoring


Pacific University Healthcare Clinic workforce members are committed to quality, honesty and integrity in our handling of billing and coding activities within the healthcare clinics.  We are committed to operate within the laws, rules, regulations, and policies set by the federal and state governments, insurance programs and Medicare/Medicaid carriers, fiscal intermediaries, and others.

There will be both internal and external (i.e. by a contracted independent consultant, or other professional and/or government or regulatory agencies) auditing of proper coding, chart documentation, billing, and data integrity.

Policy last updated in April 2024.
PUNID required for viewing policy.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018

Healthcare Billing and Coding - Complaint/Grievance Policy


Pacific University Healthcare Clinic workforce members are committed to quality, honesty and integrity in our handling of billing and coding activities within the healthcare clinics.  We are committed to operate within the laws, rules, regulations, and policies  set  by  the  federal  and  state  governments,  insurance  programs  and Medicare/Medicaid carriers, fiscal intermediaries, and others.

Each clinic will be responsible to inform patients and workforce members of their rights with regard to the billing and coding grievance policy. A grievance must be received in written form. If a billing or coding grievance comes to the clinic and can’t be resolved at the clinic level, the clinic must notify the Compliance Officer within 3 business days, documenting the date the grievance was received, the written grievance, a brief statement of the facts alleged, and any documentation that applies to the disputed item(s). Pacific University Healthcare Clinics will commit to maintain a direct channel of communication and mediation between compliance officer, individual patients, patient’s representative, or advocate to resolve any concerns in a positive and timely manner.

Policy last updated in April 2024.
PUNID required for viewing policy.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018

Healthcare Billing and Coding Education and Training


Pacific University Healthcare Clinic workforce members are committed to quality, honesty and integrity in our handling of billing and coding activities within the healthcare clinics.  We are committed to operate within the laws, rules, regulations, and policies set by the federal and state governments, insurance programs and Medicare/Medicaid carriers, fiscal intermediaries, and others.

The University requires full compliance with all relevant health care billing and coding regulations. All billing and coding workforce members are required to have a strong knowledge of, and to stay current with, applicable laws and regulations as well as University policies and procedures relevant to their areas of responsibility.

Policy last updated in April 2024.
PUNID Required to view policy.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018
