Scholarships for Incoming PharmD Students

The School of Pharmacy offers academic merit scholarships for prospective students applying to the PharmD program for the three-year and five-year pathways. 

There is no separate scholarship application. In order to be considered for an academic merit scholarship, all you need to do is complete and submit your PharmD application via PharmCAS on or before the priority deadline of January 13, 2025. 

There are a limited number of academic merit scholarships available and they are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

There are two types of academic merit scholarships that are awarded to recognize incoming students’ academic achievements:

  1. Multi-Year/Continuous Academic Merit Scholarship 
    The cumulative amount of this scholarship is up to $24,000/degree
    a. Up to $8,000/each year for students admitted to the three-year program
    b. Up to $4,800/each year for students admitted to the five-year program
  2. Single-Time/Non-Renewable Academic Scholarship
    a. Up to $7,000 for students admitted to the three-year program 
    b. Up to $3,500 for students admitted to the five-year program


To be considered for both types of academic merit scholarships, a student needs to be admitted to the PharmD program starting in Fall 2025. If the scholarship is offered to an eligible student based on academic merit, that student needs to pay their $250 deposit within two weeks of receiving notification of admission and scholarship eligibility in order to keep the scholarship. If the deposit is not paid to secure a seat within the given two-week period, the student, while still able to matriculate in Fall 2025 in our program, gives up the scholarship that will automatically be reallocated for another eligible applicant. The scholarship does not automatically transfer to the following application cycle’s matriculation if the student decides to defer deposit to the following year and postpone matriculation.

Eligibility for Multi-Year/Continuous Scholarships

Continuing to receive the multi-year/continuous academic merit scholarship is contingent upon maintaining an annual GPA ≥ 3.0 throughout the PharmD program. The need to repeat the year and/or a GPA drop below 3.0 would lead to loss of the scholarship.