Continuing Optometry Student Scholarships
Eligibility Type: 2nd/3rd/ 4th Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: July-August
Selected by Research and Awards Committee based on merit. Students who meet the criteria will be asked to provide a current CV for final selection.
Second, third-, or fourth-year students in the College of Optometry who are from the State of Washington, who are student members of the Optometric Physicians of Washington, and who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5.
ASCO Student Award in Clinical Studies
Eligibility Type: All currently enrolled optometry students.
Submission window: January
This annual national award, sponsored by Alcon, is available to optometry students during any point in their professional program at an ASCO-affiliated school or college of optometry in the US, Puerto Rico and Canada. The application consists of an essay of up to 1,500 words describing any one of the following scenarios:
- A patient-based case-study that the student encountered as part of their clinical learning experience.
- A research-based case scenario that the student has encountered during their clinical or didactic learning experience.
- A professional ethics-based scenario that the student has encountered during their clinical or didactic learning.
The essay must describe and discuss the ethical theories and values that were used in the decision-making process and address relevant state laws relating to the case (if applicable). The essay must be submitted as a Word document or a PDF. Each school or college of optometry is permitted to submit only one essay through the assigned award coordinator for their school. A committee of the ASCO Ethics Educators SIG (Special Interest Group) will make the selection of one national recipient. The award will consist of a plaque and a cash award of $1,000.
Bernard and Selma Brown Optometry Scholarship for Veterans
Eligibility Type: All currently enrolled optometry students.
Submission Window: August
This scholarship is open to all current optometry students in good academic standing who have been honorably discharged from one of the branches of the United States Military, as well as those still serving on either active duty or in one of the reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Littlefield Family Endowed Scholarship
Eligibility Type: All currently enrolled optometry students.
Submission Window:
Awarded to one student that is need based and from a rural community. First year students will be required to submit an essay stating their career goals, ambitions and why they chose to attend Pacific and study Optometry. First year applications will be reviewed by the University Admissions Committee. After one year, students applying to The Littlefield Family Endowed Scholarship will be selected by the committee charged with oversight of student scholarships in the Pacific University College of Optometry.
Drs. Dana and Katie Ziskrout Scholarship
Eligibility Type: 2nd Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: September
One annual scholarship for a second-year optometry student in their first semester of study. Based on the completion and submission of a 1,000-word essay "on the future of optometry and how HIPPA, local and national economies, and perceived need (of professional eye health care) play a role in success or failure of a practice."
Dr. Warren Meadowcroft Scholarship in Optometry
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year/ 4th Year Optometry Students
Awarded to 3rd or 4th year optometry students who exhibit proficient academic performance (minimum GPA 3.25) and express an intent to practice in rural areas of OR, WA, or ID.
Oregon Optometric Physicians Association Endowed Scholarship
Eligibility Type: 2nd Year Optometry Students
Submission window: MarchMade annually by the College's Research and Awards Committee to provide tuition support to a College of Optometry student at the end of their second year.. A short essay outlining leadership roles is required along with a current CV. . Student must be an Oregon resident,member of OOPA and upon graduation planning on practicing in Oregon.
J. Pat Cummings Scholarship
Eligibility Type: 2nd or 3rd Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: July-August
To award a student who best demonstrates the ideal eye care standards of practice, achievement in both academic performance and extra-curricular activities, and participation with other professional pursuits such as involvement with patients through internships, community service, and other volunteer activities. (must be AAO member)
PECAA Award for Excellence in Future Private Practices
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: February
Awarded to a 4th year optometry student based on a short essay submission describing interest in private practice optometry, and specific practice management goals.
CooperVision Award
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year Optometry Students
Awarded to 3rd year student who has shown strong interest/commitment to CL care.
Peg Gilbert Award for Basic Visual Science
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year Optometry Students
Shall be given annually to the student(s) at the Pacific University College of Optometry who, at the end of their second year, shall have earned the highest cumulative grade point average in those courses which are (a) basic science in content and (b) taught in tradition of the liberal arts. The College of Optometry Research and Awards Committee shall appoint a committee consisting of three members from the first-and second year faculty who also teach those selected optometry courses which are used in the award evaluation process.
GWCO (Dr. Harue J. Marsden) Scholarship Fund
Eligibility Type:3rd Year Optometry Students
The GWCO Scholarship Fund (Dr. Harue J. Marsden. Scholarship) was established in 2002 to support a beginning 3rd year student from a GWCO Member state who demonstrates excellent ability in the areas of academics, clinical performance, and student and professional leadership in a GWCO member state.
William M. Ludlam OD and Diana Eastburn Ludlam Scholarship
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year Optometry Students
The fund shall be used to support student scholarships within the College of Optometry.
Lion’s Club Service Award
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year Optometry Students
Awarded to a student based on community service, involvement with the FG Lions Club and/or the Run/Walk 4 Sight and Hearing.
Littlefield Public Health Outreach Program Endowed Award
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year Optometry Students
An award for clinical excellence in the public outreach program for a student completing their 3rd year. Recipients will be selected by the committee charged with oversight of student awards in the College of Optometry based on nominations from the Director of Outreach
VSP Endowed Student Leadership Scholarship
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year Optometry Students
Distributions from this Fund shall be used to provide scholarship support to a student in any of the academic programs within the College of Optometry who demonstrates leadership and is considered a student leader. Student leaders can hold various roles within the College of Optometry. Eligibility for this scholarship requires student leaders to have an officer role within a club, student body government, or class council; or to be a teaching assistant or tutor, and/or to hold a work-study position that has a leadership component. For positions that may not be clear, the College of Optometry dean will make the final decision on whether or not the position qualifies for being a student leader within the College of Optometry. Distributions from this Fund shall be administered by the Director of Financial Aid or his/her/their designee(s) in consultation with the Dean of the College of Optometry or his/her/their designee(s).
Pacific Cataract and Laser Inst Endowed Scholarship Fund
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: February
3rd year optometry students interested in pursuing a career in medical surgical consultative care or medical mode of practice. The Research and Awards committee will select 3 nominees based on the criteria and a short essay. Final selection is determined by PCLI.
Paul Kohl Award for Excellence and Passion in the Area of Pediatrics and Binocular Vision
Eligibility Type: 3rd Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: March
To be awarded to a 3rd year student (awarded at 3rd yr awards ceremony) who has shown passion and exceptional academic and clinical performance in the area of binocular vision and pediatrics.
Fourth-Year Optometry Student Awards
Alcon Case Report Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
The student must create a multi-Media video case report involving one of the following topics using ALCON products. Videos should be no greater than 5 minutes in length:
- · Successful contact lens refit from a spherical lens to an ALCON toric design to improve visual function
- · ALCON Multifocal contact lens fitting in patients with ocular surface disease
- · Successful ALCON contact lens wear and the impact of a healthy ocular surface
- · ALCON Artificial tear use in perioperative care (cataract or refractive surgery)
- · Multifocal contact lenses to an ALCON trifocal intraocular lens: Managing the range of vision lifecycle
The student with the winning multi-Media case report from each school will receive $2,000 which is paid out of the respective institution’s 2024 Alcon Partner in Education Program Fund and be entered in the National competition with a chance to win an additional $5000.
Award of Excellence in CL Patient Care (American Optometric Foundation and Johnson & Johnson Vision Care)
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Graduating 4th year who is a member of the AAO and has demonstrated outstanding clinical patient care as demonstrated by the student's (a) overall knowledge in the CL field, and (b) skillful, considerate and professional care of his/her CL patients.
Brian Lee Hill OD'95 Memorial Fund
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
4th OP student. Each class during their third year, on the second Friday of September, will vote for the classmate they believe is the person who best embodies Brian's qualities. The person should be a true inspiration to all and bring their class together through friendship and leadership. The student receiving the greatest number of votes from the third-year class will be the awardee. The formal announcement will be made a year later at the fourth-year awards and graduation banquet.
BSK Silver Medal Award - Valedictorian
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Awarded to the Valedictorian.
CooperVision Travel Grants
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Graduating 4th years who are NOT doing a residency, Decision based on interest and Contact lens clinic grades.
COVD Excellence in Vision Therapy Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Graduating student who has demonstrated a strong interest and excellent clinical skills in the area of vision therapy.
Dean’s Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic scholarship, community service, commitment to fulfill the values of our university’s mission.
Donald A. Bybee Memorial Endowment for Visual Training
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Optometry student demonstrating best performance in vision therapy. Awarded upon graduation.
Dr. Dennis Smith & Dr. Nada Lingel Award for Excellence in Systemic Disease
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: January
Awarded for excellence in Systemic Disease. The top performers in Systemic Disease will be asked to submit an essay describing the importance of general health to the optometric physician and the patients they serve and how the nominee sees themselves contributing in this area.
Dr. Dori Carlson & Dr. Mark Helgeson Endowed Optometry School
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: January
Distributions from this fund shall be used to provide financial support to students enrolled in the Doctor of Optometry degree program. Eligibility is restricted to students in their 4th year who are in good academic standing and express intentions to establish a professional practice in a rural area.
Dr. Newton K. Wesley Foundation Fund Endowed Scholarship Fund
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Distributions from this Fund shall be used to provide scholarships to students enrolled in the Pacific University College of Optometry. Distributions from this Fund shall be administered by the Director of Financial Aid.
Eschenbach Low Vision Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Awarded to 4th year students who has shown excellence in clinical aspects in low vision care.
GP CL Clinical Excellence Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Awarded to 4th year student who has shown interest and enthusiasm in the fitting of GP Contact Lenses in their clinical environments.
Hefner Family Drive to Excellence Endowed Scholarship
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Drawing inspiration from Dr. Hefner's commitment to excellence, the Drive to Excellence Scholarship seeks to honor a fourth-year student in the College of Optometry who exemplifies grit, tenacity, and an unyielding pursuit of excellence. This prestigious scholarship acknowledges individuals who have showcased resilience and unwavering dedication in their efforts to propel the optometric field forward.
Optelec Low Vision Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Awarded to a distinguished student.
OPW Student Member of the Year Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: March
4th year OPW student in good standing.
- Student can nominate themselves and include their CV and one letter of recommendation from faculty at their optometry school or from any OPW doctor in good standing
- Optometry faculty member and/or OPW doctor can nominate a 4th year optometry student and their CV is not required.
PUCO Outstanding Clinician Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Awarded to one fourth-year optometry student who has demonstrated outstanding performance as an all-around optometric clinician.
Tole Greenstein Memorial Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Awarded to one fourth-year optometry student who has demonstrated outstanding contribution to VT or PEDS through research or clinical application.
VSP/AAOF Practice Excellence Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
Submission Window: July
Awarded to students who are entering the 4th year who have demonstrated excellence in the delivery of primary eye care services. Candidates must have a GPA in the top half of their class and should have a commitment to enter the independent practice of optometry. Participation in the private practice or practice management club on campus recommended with special consideration given to students who have served a leadership role.
William Feinbloom Low Vision Award
Eligibility Type: 4th Year Optometry Students
To reward a student who demonstrates outstanding achievement in the field of low vision.