Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility
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The primary role of the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility is to lead and manage an institution-wide effort to support and further develop a diverse community of faculty, students, and staff at Pacific University through development and programming that foster equity and inclusion in the broadest sense possible. Pacific University continues to work on multiple fronts to continue to support the University’s long-time tradition of being a nurturing and supportive learning environment, preparing students for success in a diverse, global community. We serve the diversity goals and educational mission partnership with the University Diversity Committee.

Highlighted Resources: 


Affinity Groupsinstagram handle for OEDI @pacificu_edi

Affinity Groups are a vital part of the OEDIA programming that provides direct community support for faculty and staff. Affinity Groups are spaces made for folks who share an identity to convene together, build community, offer support, and explore identity. The OEDIA knows it is important to center our identities in order to build community and gain support from peers. 

OEDIA currently offers three employee affinity groups for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and anti-racist white allies. 


Bias Incident Education Team

How to file a Bias or Hate Incident Report: If you have experienced/witnessed a bias incident, there are several ways to submit a report.

  1. Complete an online bias incident report by clicking the following link: Bias Incident Report Form
  2. Call the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility at (503) 352-2824 during business hours to make a report.
  3. You may request an in-person meeting to report a bias incident by emailing with your request.

File a Bias Report


Diversity & Equity Campus Climate Surveyblack lives matter ally statement

Under direction from the University Diversity Committee, a sub-committee was formed to review the 2019 Executive Summary and create a presentation along with recommendations. This presentation is going through a governance tour across all major university committees and several departments, including President's Cabinet, Provost's Council, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, University Council, and student senates. 

The Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility looks forward to using the survey data and recommendations from the Diversity Committee to be able to engage the entire university in continuing anti-racist work that supports all students.

The executive summary, presentation, and a recorded version of the presentation available to anyone at the University via Box.


Contact Us

Pierre Morton, PhD | Vice President of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility

Email the OEDIA team at

Membership in affinity groups, as well as attendance at affinity group events, is open to all Pacific University community members. These groups provide spaces for individuals to connect around shared interests, experiences, and community-building efforts. Participation is not restricted by race, ethnicity, or any other protected characteristic, and all are welcome to engage in discussions and activities.

Related News

Pacific Health Sciences Associate Professor Angela Lee has been awarded the NIH National Library of Medicine’s Collection Equity Award. The $1,500 grant will be used to purchase interactive multimedia diversity training programs or to fund diversity training programs with a goal of advancing key university-wide DEI initiatives.