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Kalapuya Weaving: Traditional Lifeways Presentation
Pacific University's Indigenous Student Alliance and Friends of Historic Forest Grove present:
Kalapuya Weaving: Traditional Lifeways Presentation

Wednesday, April 16 at 6:00 p.m. in the Washburn Hall Multipurpose Room
Learn about traditional lifeways, culture, and traditional ecological knowledge. See samples of traditional foods, medicine, utilitarian plants, tools, and family belongings that have been passed down generations in Stephanie's family.
Presenter Stephanie Craig is a 7th generation traditional basket weaver, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Lifeways practitioner, and culture keeper and bearer. She uses TEK methods, ancestral knowledge, archaeological methods, and traditional plant fibers to create, revive, and awaken centuries old art and ways of life through basketry.
Event funded through an Oregon Cultural Trust Grant:

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