Bias and Hate Incident Reporting System: Reporting and Resources

How do I report a bias or hate incident?

If you have experienced or witnessed a bias or hate incident, there are several ways to submit a report:

  1. Online: Submit a bias or hate incident report using the online form.
  2. Report by phone: Call 503-352-3072 during regular business hours (Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.). If you choose to leave a message, your call will be returned at the earliest possible time.
  3. Report in person: Request a face-to-face meeting by emailing

What Happens After I Submit a Bias Incident Report?

After submitting an incident report, the Bias Incident Report team will evaluate the report and work in collaboration to develop an appropriate response. Responses may include: providing care and support to community members negatively affected; learning more about the incident; engaging in educational dialogue and interventions; providing access and referrals to campus resources; and, coordinating efforts to restore individuals and groups negatively affected. The timeline depends on the complexity of the incident. In addition, the reporting party will receive a follow-up communication from the team to make sure the reporting party has received the support and information needed to resolve the incident.  

How Will Reports Be Used?

Pacific University will summarize incidents to determine and indicate the types of bias or hate that have been reported. When the Incident Report refers to other concerns, the report may be routed to Human Resources, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, or other areas as appropriate. These summary reports will also inform choices about future education and prevention programming efforts to address and reduce incidents at Pacific University. 

What is the Incident Report Protocol?

The protocol applies to any incident reported that occurs at Pacific University, including the Forest Grove campus, Hillsboro campus, Eugene campus, at any Pacific University sponsored activity, and all other property owned or controlled by Pacific University. In addition, the protocol may, at the discretion of the Incident Response Team, be initiated whenever a reported incident adversely affects a Pacific University community member.

Other Types of Bias

Bias incidents related to sexual harassment, sex/gender discrimination, sexual assault, sexual violence, rape, stalking, and relationship violence (including domestic and dating violence) may also be reported to the Title IX Coordinator ( More information about reporting options related to these topics can be found online.


If your immediate safety is at risk, if you are witnessing violence, or if you perceive imminent harm to yourself or others, please immediately dial 911.

Forest Grove Campus | FG Campus Public Safety: 503-352-2230

Hillsboro Campus | Hillsboro Public Safety: 503-352-7207

Eugene Campus | Lane CC Public Safety: 541-463-5555 (Emergency Only) or 541-463-5558 (Non-Emergency and after hours contacts)


Every effort will be made to protect the identity of individuals involved, and to maintain the level of privacy requested by the reporting party. Persons reporting the incident may self-identify or remain anonymous. Anonymous reporting, however, may impact the university policy and the law, should details of the report need to be revealed.

For reports that fall under Clery Act reporting requirements, aggregate, non-identified data will be shared in the University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.

Support and Resources

Experiencing or witnessing a bias or hate incident can result in physical and emotional trauma. All members of Pacific University community who have been impacted by a bias incident are encouraged to report it by submitting an Incident Response Form.

However, whether or not you choose to submit an incident report, many resources are available to you on campus to provide you with support.