Severe Thunderstorms Possible

Severe thunderstorms are possible in the Portland area and Willamette Valley. Take precautions to stay safe. Es posible que se produzcan tormentas eléctricas severas en la zona de Portland y el valle de Willamette. Tome precauciones para mantenerse a salvo.

Details / Detalles

Internal Regulatory Audits

One of the roles of the Research Compliance and Integrity division of the OSSP is to facilitate regular internal audits of regulated research studies. The IRB, IACUC, and IBC are in the process of updating audit requirements and guidelines. 

IRB Internal Audits

Refer to Audit Process for the IRB and the Regulatory Binder page for details regarding the IRB's Audit Procedures.

IACUC and IBC Internal Audits

IACUC and IRB audit procedures are currently under development. Until the policies and procedures for audits for these committees are implemented, do ensure that your proposal approval is current and that you are submitting any required annual renewals. Refer to committee policies for further details.