Severe Thunderstorms Possible

Severe thunderstorms are possible in the Portland area and Willamette Valley. Take precautions to stay safe. Es posible que se produzcan tormentas eléctricas severas en la zona de Portland y el valle de Willamette. Tome precauciones para mantenerse a salvo.

Details / Detalles

Ethical Guidelines and Additional Resources

If you haven’t already done so, the IRB strongly recommends that you, the investigators, review the ethical guidelines for research in your respective disciplines as you prepare your research proposal. The following links should be of help in this regard. If you come across additional resources that you think should be included, please email the IRB.

Ethical Guidelines
American Anthropological Association
American College of Clinical Pharmacy
American Educational Research Association
American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.
American Psychological Association
Society for Research in Child Development
Additional Resources

Dangerous Goods Training (Mayo Clinic)

This training is meant for investigators who transport dangerous goods. It is free and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete with additional time for the self-assessment quiz.

The objectives of the training are as follows:

  • Describe the regulations imposed on most laboratories and the importance of following them
  • Classify infectious substances for transport
  • Demonstrate the procedures for legally and safely shipping various infectious specimens
  • Integrate dangerous goods procedures into your laboratory
  • Complete the online self-assessment quiz, which enables you to obtain dangerous goods shipping certification
Exercise and Delegation of Legal Custodian and Guardianship Authority (OYA)
Frequently Asked Questions about Institutional Review Boards (APA)
Frequently Asked Questions and Vignettes (NSF)
Information Sheet Guidance for Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors (FDA)
The IRB and Psychological Research: A Primer for Students (Psi Chi)
IRBs and Psychological Science: Ensuring a Collaborative Relationship (APA)

Medical Devices and the IRB Process

This presentation (available as a pdf) contains useful information for researchers doing work with Medical Devices. Links and phone numbers for the FDA are contained within the presentation. The links are specific to optometry in this version, but more general resources (and program-specific) will become available in the coming weeks.

Office for Human Research Protections (HHS)
Off-Label Drug Use Issues (Pacific)
Prisoners as Human Subjects: Clinical Researcher Reference Guide
Quality Improvement Activities - FAQs (HHS)
Research Proposals (OYA)
Search Human Research Protections Frequent Questions (FAQs) - (HHS)
Suggestions for Wording in Specific Situations - Informed Consent (Pacific)