Severe Thunderstorms Possible

Severe thunderstorms are possible in the Portland area and Willamette Valley. Take precautions to stay safe. Es posible que se produzcan tormentas eléctricas severas en la zona de Portland y el valle de Willamette. Tome precauciones para mantenerse a salvo.

Details / Detalles

IRB Policies and Procedure

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) operates under policies and procedures based on the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46, 21 CFR 50, 21 CFR 56, 21 CFR 312, 21 CFR 812), and on guidance from the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

The policies and procedures of the IRB are also informed by seminal statements regarding the rights of human research subjects:

It is the responsibility of every investigator to understand the federal regulations that pertain to his/her research, as well as to understand the policies and procedures of the Pacific University Institutional Review Board.

Policies and Procedures: An updated Policies and Procedures document will be provided in November. In the meantime, please contact the IRB if you wish to review the IRB's Policies and Procedures.