Berglund Coaches

Business and Entrepreneurship

Dick StensonRichard V. Stenson retired in 2014 after 22 years as president and CEO of Tuality Healthcare.  He came to Oregon after 17 years as Associate Administrator and Executive Administrator of Straub Clinic & Hospital, and the Straub Health Plan in Honolulu.  He held earlier administrative positions at Harkness Community Hospital and Upjohn Medical Group in San Francisco, and Ochsner Clinic & Hospital in New Orleans.  He has a B.S. in Business from the University of California, Berkeley, an MHA from Tulane University and an MBA from Loyola University in New Orleans.  He is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives and the American College of Medical Practice Executives.  He serves on several community boards including the Pacific University Oak Tree Foundation and the Tuality Foundation .  He is available to meet students and faculty on either the Forest Grove or Hillsboro Pacific University campuses.


Engineering and Technical

Kelly DorfKelly Dorf, Manufacturing and Assembly

A resident of Beaverton since 1978, I have worked many types of electronics technician jobs over the years including a 13 year stint at Tektronix, and 20 years for a model railroad company. So its only natural my spare time is consumed by tinkering with electronics, or my model railroad. Prior to Covid, I tutored 7th graders at OMSI, teaching basic electronics and soldering skills.




Mark KeppingerMark Keppinger, Electrical Engineering and Circuit Design

Mark is a former Master Tinkerer at OMSI, an electrical engineer by trade that has extensive experience in analog and digital circuitry, robotics, and gadgets. He is also an educator and judge at Maker events regionally.





Andy DawesAndy Dawes is a Professor of Physics at Pacific University who teaches a number of courses for Physics, Applied Science, Vision Science and Doctor of Optometry programs. For the Berglund Center, Dr. Dawes assists with robotics, electronics, design and engineering of prototypes.




Art and Design

Terry O'DayTerry O'Day teaches Art and Design at Pacific University where she specializes in designing learning environments that support place-based experiential learning.

O'Day's previous projects include starting a charter school in the community, building a school farm at Pacific University, and serving on the board of a local environmental non-profit.