Berglund Center Board of Advisors

Berglund Board of Advisors
We are honored to have the advise and support of an elite group of dedicated and established professionals.

Executive Board Members
Ms. Julie Berglund Baker,
Pacific University Trustee, Berglund Family representative
Business Manager Baker Land Surveys Inc., Carlsbad California

Dr. Mark Leavitt,
Physician, Engineer, Investor and Entrepreneur
Portland, Oregon

Advisory Board Members
Dr. Ann Barr-Gillespie,
Vice Provost and Executive Dean of the College of Health Professions
Pacific University

Dr. Jim Goodrich,
Dean of the College of Business
Pacific University

Dr. James Kundart
Associate Professor, College of Optometry
Pacific University

Isaac Gilman,
Director of University Libraries
Pacific University

Dr. Andrew Dawes,
Department of Physics
College of Arts and Sciences
Pacific University

Skip Lei
Inventor, Entrepreneur, former VP of Nike
Evergreen Innovations
Portland, Oregon

Dr. John Miller
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Pacific University

Dr. Lisa Carstens
Vice Provost of Academic Affairs
Pacific University