Berglund Fellows

The Berglund Fellows are students that won the Inspired Ideas Competition, and/or are receiving financial support towards the goal of creating a new product/service or venture.

2019-2021 Fellows

Due to COVID, we did not hold the competition in its usual form for two years and prototyping was severely disrupted. As a result, we only supported a limited number of Fellows during the Pandemic.

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Vy Nguyen

Occupational Therapy Doctor

Graduated 2021

V is an agent of change in the world of occupational therapy.  As a Berglund Center Fellow, she, along with an exceptional team, is inventing a glove donning device that lets people with hand-related conditions have the opportunity to put on gloves while addressing other mobility issues. She creates infinite, accessible possibilities for individuals to accomplish their fun, fulfilling, and meaningful occupations no matter their stage in life. V's main field of interest is promoting accessibility in health care and emerging technologies - especially for underserved and rural populations. She strives to have others see greatness in themselves while engaging in lifelong active learning that enriches her experiences and those she serves. She invites you to join her journey.


Karen Mossbarger
Speech Language Pathology
Anticipated Graduation 2020 


2018-2019 Fellows


Matthew Jensen
MFA- Masters in Creative Writing
Class of 2019

Matthew graduated from Pacific University with a degree in creative writing in 2017. He is currently pursuing a masters degree in writing, and co-founder of the G.O.A.T. Bottle, a novel supplementation delivery system for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Mathew played baseball at Pacific for three years.


Eli Wisdom
Class of 2019

Eli is a senior Biology major and competes on the Pacific University Baseball team.  His future goal is to earn an MD/Ph.D. in the biomedical sciences.  At the Berglund Center, he is a co-founder of the G.O.A.T. Bottle, a novel supplementation delivery system for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.


Danielle Jenkins
Doctor of Audiology Program
Class of 2020

Danielle is a 2nd year Doctorate of Audiology student at Pacific University. Alongside three of her classmates, she has been working with the Berglund Center to develop an app based database for school hearing screenings. She is passionate about educating communities about hearing health and hopes to pursue a career in educational audiology working to bring awareness to underserved students with complex communication needs. We look forward to implementing and employing this app along with a school hearing protocol to areas in need both here in the states, but internationally as well.


Nicole Burgis
Doctor of Audiology Program
Class of 2020

 Nicole is a 2nd year Doctorate of Audiology student at Pacific University. She and three other students have been working with the Berglund Center to create a hearing screening data logging app. We look forward to see the impact this will have in the implementation of hearing screening programs all over the world. 


Alison Kentris
Doctor of Audiology Program
Class of 2020

Alison is a 2nd year doctoral student in Pacific’s Doctorate of Audiology program. At the Berglund Center, herself along with 3 others are creating school based hearing screening program along with the development of a hearing screening app. We hope to bring all of these tools to the developing nation of The Bahamas in the Spring of 2019. Areas of research interest include cochlear implants, tinnitus, and hearing aids.


Ariel Garraway
Doctor of Audiology Program
Class of 2020

Ariel is a 2nd year graduate student pursuing a Doctor of Audiology degree. She is passionate about advocating for patients and societal needs within Audiology. Areas of research and clinical interest are school hearing screenings, aural rehabilitation and vestibular assessment and rehabilitation. At the Berglund Center, Ariel is working with a team to develop an app for record keeping for school hearing screening programs, particularly geared towards underdeveloped regions. 


Kristoffer Rehder, M.S.
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program
Anticipated Graduation 2020

Kris is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology with a research focus on mindfulness based interventions for co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders.  His clinical interests include working with addictive behaviors, ADHD, PTSD, and with the Veteran population. Kris is currently working with the Berglund Center to develop a smartphone app for Veterans who are high risk for suicide, substance use relapse, or other mental health crises. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with family, playing with his dogs, and fishing.


Andrew Caranto
Doctor of Pharmacy
Class of 2020

Andrew is a graduate student in Pacific’s School of Pharmacy, pursuing his Doctor of Pharmacy degree with a specialization in precision medicine. Always looking over the horizon, Andrew’s futuristic nature and creative spirit inspire him to solve problems and create a better future. He loves to explore ideas and break down complex concepts into an elegantly simple explanation. As a fellow with the Berglund Center, Andrew is working to develop a capsule filling machine designed to help people save time, money, and reduce medication error

  Mark Fischer
  Griffin Christenson

2017-2018 Fellows


Josh Kaplan
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program
Graduate student - Anticipated graduation May 2020

Josh is a 4th year graduate student in Pacific's Clinical Psychology PhD program. He is part of a team studying the effects of mindfulness and resilience training programs for police officers, firefighters, and other high-stress occupations in the Portland area. At the Berglund Center, Josh is a member of Coho Industries, LLC, and is helping to develop health technologies for firefighters. Josh is a three time Berglund Fellow (2015, 2016 & 2017).



Aaron L. Bergman
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program
Anticipated Graduation 2019

Aaron is pursuing a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the School of Graduate Psychology. His research focuses on Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) for addictive behaviors and Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT) for police officers. Aaron has been a Berglund Fellow since the 2016-17 academic year and has been involved in the development of a mobile application to help facilitate engagement in MBRP groups and in the development of novel first responder safety equipment.  


Eli Dapolonia, M.A.
Clinical Psychology, M.S. and Ph.D.
Chief Operating Officer, Coho Industries LLC
Ph.D. class of 2020

Eli is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology with a research focus on mindfulness based interventions for first responders and a clinical focus on neuropsychological assessment. At the Berglund Center, Eli is part of the Coho Industries LLC team that is developing health technology for firefighters. Eli is currently working at Kaiser Permanente, and in his spare time he enjoys going on adventures with friends and family, cooking, and going to the movies. 


Kaylie Green
Clinical Psychology, PhD Program
Graduate Student, Class of 2022
Kaylie is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. At the Berglund Center, Kaylie is involved in the development of health technology for first responders. Kaylie’s specific research interests are in first responder sleep deprivation, vicarious trauma, and the physiological effects of chronic occupational stress.  LinkedIn page:

Peter Hildebrand
Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology track
Graduate student, Class of 2021

Peter is currently pursuing a doctoral degree that will allow him to practice as a clinical neuropsychologist. He and Even Egener are currently working with the Berglund Center to develop a smartphone app that will help people with hoarding disorder. Peter is also involved in the Anxiety Research Team and is co-chair of the Association for Neuropsychology Students in Training.

Evan Egener
Master’s in Applied Psychological Science, Clinical Specialty
Graduated with Class of 2017

Evan graduated with a Master’s in Applied Psychological Science, Clinical Specialty, from Pacific University in 2017. At the Berglund Center, he is co-creating an app designed to treat hoarding disorder. He is a Registered Behavior Analysis Interventionist and currently provides ABA therapy to young children with autism spectrum disorder at Building Bridges in Portland, Oregon.



Jacob Richards
Major/Degree: B.S. in Mathematics, and Computer Science
Year expected graduation: 2018

My goal is to graduate this spring with my degrees in math and computer science, while building up a solid foundation of knowledge in Business. I am apart of the ServeUs team, and have been working with the Berglund Center to further develop our project, and business strategy for when I graduate. I work as a independent software developer. Apart from work in school I am very active in my ministry, and growing my faith. When I have free time I usually choose to spend it either volunteering, or going on a mini adventure. I am also the president of the Impact club on campus, and founder and past president of the Rotaract club.


Jon Forster

Brynn Chivers
Computer Science Major
Undergraduate Student, Class of 2018

Currently pursuing a B.S. in computer science, Brynn is a recipient of the Entrepreneurship Award. She works with her teammates and the Berglund Center to complete ServeUs--an application for connecting non-profits and individuals. She enjoys UI design and working with databases.


Benjamin Kugler
Computer Science Major
Undergraduate Student, Class of 2018

Growing up in the Portland area, Ben Kugler is a aspiring software engineer with an interest in full stack development, AI and I have a passion for web development and design. I am currently getting my Bachelors in Computer Science at Pacific University in Forest Grove and will be finishing up my last class a Lewis & Clark during Fall 2018. Even though my focus lies in software engineering, I still take times to explore the expanding web development world through small jobs and my own projects. 


Maya Okamura
Business Administration Major & Studio Art Minor
Berglund Center Fellow 2018
Undergraduate Student 2019

Maya is currently studying Business Administration with a focus in marketing while also pursuing a studio art minor at Pacific University. A a member of the Pacific University swim team, Maya relates her time from swimming/ working on a team and translates it into helpful teamwork experiences within the business field. She is developing a hybrid Gel/hydration bottle as part of her Berglund Fellowship.



Bryan Greenaway
Doctor of Audiology Student, Class of 2019

Bryan is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in clinical audiology, where his focuses are hearing aids and investigating how consumer-facing products can improve patient experiences.  Bryan is half of the Inspired Ideas team developing "Hearing Habits," an app designed to help patients who are newly fit with hearing aids adapt to their new listening lifestyle.  Bryan currently serves as the student representative for the Oregon Academy of Audiology and is active in audiology advocacy at both the state and national levels.


Michelle Wong
Graduate Student, Class of 2019

Michelle is a student from the School of Audiology. She is co-developing a patient friendly smartphone application to assist with the post-fitting hearing aid process. She is the past president of Pacific University's Student Academy of Audiology (SAA). She currently serves as a student ambassador for the School of Audiology, and volunteers on the Chapter and Member Relations committee with National SAA.

2016-2017 Fellows


Jake Palumbo

Jake graduated in 2017 from Pacific University, majoring in Bioinformatics. His primary interests include using bioengineering to redesign society, improving computer models of the real world, and accelerating the pipeline from computer-aided design of biological systems to real product. His work at the Berglund Center has been focused on designing and developing a biological replacement for concrete. Once released, this replacement will enable 3D printing of multi-story buildings without any of the negative ecological ramifications of traditional construction.

Connect with Jake on LinkedIn


Michael Ashley

Michael Ashley is a very ambitious and passionate person towards his work and life in general. He is constantly trying to network, build as many relationships as he can, and stay as busy as he can. Michael is involved in a numerous amount of different activities on campus and is very motivated to reach success in his career field after graduation. He enjoys doing technical work, such as math, finance, analyzing, etc. but is also a very outgoing person and loves dealing with people face to face and communicating; which is why he decided on majoring in finance and marketing. Michael and his, partner Jacob Palumbo, have an amazing idea for a business and have high confidence that it will work with the combination of their business and science skills, and the help of the Berglund Fellowship. In addition, both Michael and Jake have a huge passion for helping people, which is what their business, overall, is formed around.

Connect with Michael on LinkedIn


Danielle De Boer

Danielle De Boer is student of Pacific's School of Professional Psychology in the PhD of Clinical Psychology Program. Her interests include working with children and families, and studying the intergenerational effects of adverse events within these systems. Currently she is working on developing a phone application with Erica Ironside that will work to connect families in need with detailed information of the low and no cost services available to them, in both English and Spanish.


Erica Ironside

Erica is a graduate student at Pacific University working towards a PhD in Clinical Psychology.  Erica is an Oregon native that absolutely loves all the NW has to offer from the oceans to the mountains - including the outdoors, the food, the beauty, and the people.  Her interests have always involved working with those in need, hence a large interest in social justice.  Meet the Need project has definitely been a pursuit of passion in finding a way to help individuals in need gain knowledge and access to resources in the area.


Victor Rielly

Victor is a mathematics and physics double major with a computer science minor at Pacific University. He will start a PhD program in mathematics next year at Portland State University. He has ample programming experience including writing some test software for flight simulation software, writing some processing and data analysis scripts for a mental state monitoring system. He has also written some android applications including an application for google glasses. Lately, he has been exploring freelance programming jobs at, and had the good fortune to work on a mathematics project for a bioscience graduate student in California. His hope is to get a doctorate in mathematics and become a mathematics professor.

Connect with Victor on LinkedIn

Tim Patchings

Tim is an occupational therapy doctoral student at Pacific University and will be graduating in the summer of 2017. He has been involved in many different occupations and brings a varied background of teaching health, German, and special education, training in sports medicine, studies in linguistics, work as a computer aided draftsman, and work as a commercial truck driver and crane operator to list some of his past work experience. He has a love for the outdoors and enjoys the occasional triathlon when time for training allows it. He also enjoys thinking of new ways to do things which is part of what brought him around to pursuing the degree in occupational therapy.


Adel Ebraheem

Adel Ebraheem MD comprehensive ophthalmology specialist; accomplished professional with 10 years of comprehensive experience in ophthalmology.  He graduated from School of Medicine from Tripoli University in 2005. He did graduate studies in ophthalmology in European School for advanced studies in ophthalmology in Switzerland and recently he earned his master’s degree in Vision Science with honor from College of Optometry Pacific University. He also has publications and clinical research experience and has been certified by multiple boards. He demonstrated expertise, in medical/surgical interventions including cataract and refractive surgery. He demonstrated expertise in dry eye pathophysiology as well and currently he is working in developing novel methods for diagnosing and treating dry eye disease.

Connect with Adel on LinkedIn



Josh Kaplan

Josh was born and raised in a small town in northwest Montana.  He attended Lewis & Clark College in Portland for his undergrad education (earning a Bachelor's degree in Psychology) before returning to Montana to work in community mental health. There Josh provided case work and therapeutic services for families in my hometown. It was during this period that he became interested in pursuing higher education in psychology, which has landed him happily back in Portland, where he is a second-year student in Pacific University's PhD program. His research interests include physiological signs of stress, such as salivary cortisol. In order to complete his Master's thesis, Josh is currently investigating whether mindfulness might change the way police officers perceive the stress of their jobs.



Halley Farwood

Halley is a grad student pursuing a doctorate in clinical psychology. She designs video games based on psychology research. She hopes to make games that help players nurture their mental health and live happier, healthier lives. Her most recent project is Happymart (Winner of the Berglund Center Fellowship 2014-2015), an online educational game about depression in families. You can play this game for free and participate in her research at Her current project, Truth or Dig, also a winner of the Inspired Ideas Competition in 2015-2016, is a video game designed to increase intimacy.


Jessie Hoang

Jessie Hoang is an undergraduate student enrolled at Pacific University in 2014. She majors in Business Administration with focus on Marketing and International Business. She is originally from Hanoi, Vietnam and has been studying in the United States since 2011. She received the International Baccalaureate Diploma in 2014.

Connect with Jessie on LinkedIn

Tim Burris

Tim Burris is a first year student at Pacific University attempting to double major in International Business and Japanese. His duties in the Berglund center include assisting Dr. Andy Soria with multiple tasks to help the Berglund center and it’s events run smoothly. His hobbies include studying the japanese language and caring for his pet snakes.


Jooim Yang
Brianna Alcoran