News, Media and Stories

Jessica Nguyen receives award at August commencement
Jessica BuiVu Nguyen PA ’21 received the Clinical Excellence Award from the Pacific University School of Physician Assistant Studies.
Andrew Campbell receives award at August commencement
Andrew Campbell PA ’21 received the Pacific University Alumni Association Outstanding Graduate Award for the School of Physician Assistant Studies. 
Kristin Nozawa MA ’18, PsyD ’21 received the Community Service Award from the Pacific University School of Graduate Psychology’s doctor of psychology program
Matt Creagan receives award at August commencement
Matt Creagan APS ’21 received the Pacific University Alumni Association Outstanding Graduate Award for the School of Graduate Psychology’s applied psychological sciences program.
Adair Pardi receives award at August commencement
Adair Pardi ’21 received the Director’s Award from the Pacific University School of Dental Hygiene Studies. 
Laurel Fuson-Lang receives award at August commmencement
Laurel Fuson-Lang MA ’18, PsyD ’21 received the Pacific University Alumni Association Outstanding Graduate Award for the School of Graduate Psychology’s doctor of psychology program.
Akhila Parepalli receives award at August commencement
Akhila Parepalli PA ’21 received the Academic Excellence Award from the Pacific University School of Physician Assistant Studies.
Jing Ting “Tina” Gan receives award at August commencement
Jing Ting “Tina” Gan ’21 received the Pacific University Alumni Association Outstanding Graduate Award in the School of Dental Hygiene Studies. 
Fiona Phetnouvong receives award at August commencement
Fiona Phetnouvong ’21 received the Western Society of Periodontology Award from the Pacific University School of Dental Hygiene Studies.
Alexandra Gray receives award at August commencement
Alexandra Gray PA ’21 received the Academic Excellence Award from the Pacific University School of Physician Assistant Studies.
