Products bearing the Pacific University logo are a great tool for building brand recognition and increasing Boxer Spirit.
Product Design
Products should use the primary color palette — red, black, grey and white. This includes all patterned backgrounds and aloha gear. Follow the logo use guidelines, and be sure not to stretch or distort the logo.
The logo needs to be on the gear, however, do not incorporate it into the artwork. For example, if your t-shirt has a primary design, the logo is to be be placed near the artwork, on a sleeve or nape of the neck.
Artwork can accompany the university logo although do not create event, program or club logos. Please contact Marketing & Communications with questions or for assistance.
Licensed Vendors
You must use licensed vendors when ordering Pacific University products. A licensed vendor is authorized to create products using trademarked Pacific University logos. You can search for a product and licensed vendor on the CLC website.
If you are working with a vendor who has not been licensed, they can apply for a license online via our licensing partner CLC Learfield. There are two types of license available:
- A standard license is for companies to produce licensed products for resale to the general public. Standard licensees pay royalties off the wholesale cost of the goods they are selling.
- A restricted license is for companies that produce products for the Pacific University community — to be given away or distributed for a class or club.
If there are additional questions about licensing, connect with
Branded Product Purchases
You can begin your search by viewing the licensed vendor list here. You can then work directly with the vendor to place your order using the brand guidelines noted in Product Design above.
If you haven’t found what you are looking for or need an additional assistance, please contact Marketing & Communications.