Pacific University colors are red and black — but not just any red and black.
The official university color palette includes primary colors and two sets of secondary colors, one for academic and campus use and one for Pacific University clinics.
Accurate use of Pacific University colors will promote visual consistency for the brand. (And it will make sure that your Pacific University products match!)
Color palettes for Microsoft Office and Adobe products are available to download.
Color Systems
Pantone Matching System (PMS) | a standardized color system used for print reproduction. PMS 1805 = Pacific Boxer Red. PMS 431 = Pacific Boxer Grey.
HEX | a six-digit alphanumeric representation of color for use on the web, derived from RGB color values
CMYK | four colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) combined to create full-color print reproduction
RGB | three colors (red, green, blue) combined for full-color viewing of primary Boxer colors on your monitor and some desktop printers
The primary colors for Pacific University are red, black and grey. These colors create the dominant color scheme for print and web communications. The primary colors, plus white, should be used for apparel and gear.
Secondary Colors
The secondary color palette can be used as a complement to the primary colors.
First Tier
Second Tier
Clinic Colors
In addition to the primary Boxer colors, Pacific University clinics incorporate a separate secondary color palette.