Many Registrar’s Office forms can now be filled out and signed electronically using BoxSign or DocuSign.
See tips for using BoxSign or DocuSign below:
- You will need the full name and Pacific email address for each person who needs to sign the form
- Signers can include students, instructors, advisors, department chairs, school directors, and others, so please confirm that you have the correct signer information before starting your form
- You can see a preview of the forms by clicking on the Form Links below
- Click the BoxSign or DocuSign logo in the top right corner of the preview to start filling out the form
- BoxSign will email you a validation code that you can copy and paste to start the process.
- Signers will receive an automated email from BoxSign or DocuSign which includes a secure link to sign the form that should not be shared
- If you have special needs or requests regarding forms, please email
Forest Grove Undergraduates
- Add/Drop Process (Box Link)
- Application for Readmission (Advising Center Form)
- Independent Study Contract - FG Undergraduates (BoxSign) *Please refer to the link above to find the School Director for the course on the form.
- Major Declaration and Change of Advisor Form (Advising Center Form)
- Pass/No Pass Grading Option Form (BoxSign)
- Student Petitions
- Time Conflict Registration Request Form (BoxSign)
- Zero Credit Registration Option (BoxSign)
- Exit Checklist
- Exit Form (UG) (BoxSign)
- Leave of Absence Form (UG) (BoxSign)
Graduate/Professional Students
- Independent Study Contract (PR/BED Only) (BoxSign)
- Exit/Leave of Absence Form (PR/BED Only) (BoxSign)
All Students
- Name and/or Legal Sex Designation Change Request Form (Box Link for DocuSign)
- Non-Degree Seeking Student Registration Request Form (Box Link for DocuSign)
- Petition for Exception to College Policy (BoxSign)
- CPEL Form (BoxSign)
- Withdrawal Process
- Bulk Course Deactivation Form (All Programs) (Fillable PDF)
- CAS Curriculum Committee Forms (Curriculum Committee Page)
- Course Change/Deactivation/Proposal Forms (Curriculog)
- Course Substitution Form (UG) (BoxSign)
- Course Substitution Form (PR) (BoxSign)
- Faculty/Staff Reference Release of Information Form (Box Link)
- FERPA-Student Consent to Release Class Recording (Box Link)
- Incomplete-WP Grade Contract (UG) (BoxSign)
- Incomplete-WP Grade Contract (PR) (BoxSign)
- Incomplete or WP Grade Extension Request (UG) (BoxSign)
- Incomplete or WP Grade Extension Request (PR) (BoxSign)
- Instructor-Requested Student Drop/Withdrawal Form (BoxSign)
- Transfer Course Approval Form (BoxSign)
- Waiver of Requirement Form (UG) (BoxSign)
- Waiver of Requirement Form (PR) (BoxSign)