Advising & Registration

Online Registration

Forest Grove undergraduate programs (College of Arts & Sciences, College of Business, and College of Education), BEd and graduate-level students in the College of Education, and students in all School of Graduate Psychology programs register for classes online. Online registration is accessed through BoxerOnline.

Add Authorization

During the add/drop period, after wait lists have been closed, students may receive an instructor's permission to add the course through Add Authorization.  

Add Authorization Instructions for Students

Summer and Fall 2025 Advising and Registration Schedule (Forest Grove undergraduates only)

Advising for Summer and Fall 2025 will begin March 31. Contact your advisor to schedule a course planning and advising session so you are able to register on your assigned date in April (see table below).

Class Level Completed Credits at time of registration* Registration opens:**
Seniors 90+ April 14
Junior 60-89.99 April 17
Sophomores 30-59.99 April 21
Freshmen 0-29.99 April 24

* For transfer credits to be included in a student's credit total, official transcripts must have been received in the Registrar's Office by the third Friday of the term.

**Students may self-register from their indicated start date until the first day of the term through BoxerOnline.

Course listings and availability can be accessed through BoxerOnline.

Want to view course offerings without logging in?  Go to our Guest Catalog.

Registration Waitlist Policy

  • Students cannot register for two sections of the same course.
  • When a spot opens up in a course, the next student on the waitlist is automatically enrolled. If this causes the student to be enrolled in two sections of the same class, the student must drop one of the sections.

Time Conflict Policy

  • If you wish to register for courses that overlap for up to 15 minutes, you must use the Request for Registration With Time Conflicts form to register for both courses. You must obtain the signatures of both instructors on the form, and submit it to the Registrar's Office within the appropriate period for registering. If you are concerned that one of the courses will fill rapidly, you may register for it through BoxerOnline. Include both courses and signatures on the Request for Registration With Time Conflicts form, but indicate the course for which you already have registered.
  • If the time conflict is for more than 15 minutes, you must register for one of the courses through an Independent Study Contract and the other through BoxerOnline.

Winter Registration Load Policy

During Winter term, students may register for the following options:

  • One 4-credit course
  • One 2-credit course
  • One 2-credit course and one 1-credit course (either an existing course or an Independent Study)
  • Two 1-credit courses

Please Note: A course is listed with an instructor of STAFF when the instructor has not yet been assigned. In these cases, the department chair/supervisor is listed as the second instructor, so that someone is available to give instructor consent, and/or override prerequisites and co-requisites, if appropriate. This does not mean that the department chair/supervisor will teach the course.

Need help registering?  Student Planning and Registration Resources

Registration Resources for Faculty

Add Authorization - give students permission to add themselves to your course during the "add" period.

Entering/Maintaining Office Hours

Granting Permissions - give "instructor consent" or waive a prerequisite via Student Planning.


Contact Us

Registrar's Office

Phone: 503-352-2793 | Fax: 503-352-2950

Window Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.