As an institution of higher education, we believe in the value of education. Through our tuition assistance programs, we provide opportunities for our employees and their dependents to learn and grow personally and professionally.
Pacific University offers two tuition remission opportunities for our employees and their dependents: Undergraduate Tuition Remission and Undergraduate Tuition Exchange.
Undergraduate Tuition Remission
Undergraduate Tuition Remission Benefits
Through the undergraduate tuition remission program, tuition is waived for undergraduate classes at Pacific University.
- This benefit does not include fees, room and board, books, insurance, private lessons, etc. Students will be responsible for all non-tuition costs of attendance.
- Tuition remission also does not cover tuition costs for study abroad. Families with tuition remission benefits should meet with their financial aid counselors to determine the financial cost of study abroad.
Undergraduate Tuition Remission is available for the following programs:
Forest Grove Undergraduate Programs
College of Health Professions Programs
Tier I and Tier II benefit-eligible employees are eligible after one year of continuous employment at Pacific University. For employees who gain eligibility after the first day of classes for the current semester, eligibility will begin for the next semester. Eligible individuals include:
- Employee
- Only for first bachelor's degree
- Employees agree to continue employment at Pacific for at least two years after receiving their undergraduate degree at Pacific through the tuition remission program.
- Employee's dependent children
- Under age of 24
- Claimed as dependent on most recent IRS Income Tax Return or in divorce decree
- Only for first bachelor's degree
Undergraduate Tuition Exchange
Undergraduate Tuition Exchange Benefits
With tuition exchange, a percentage of tuition is waived at a participating school in the form of a scholarship.
- Tuition exchange scholarships are competitive, and eligible applicants are not guaranteed a scholarship at participating schools.
- Tuition exchange does not include fees, study abroad, travel, room and board, books, insurance, private lessons, etc.
Undergraduate Tuition Exchange Eligibility
Tier I and Tier II benefit-eligible employees are eligible after one year of continuous employment. Applicant must be employee's dependent children:
- Under the age of 24
- Claimed as a dependent on most recent IRS Income Tax Return or in divorce decree
- Seeking first bachelor's degree only
Undergraduate Tuition Exchange Application Process
- The undergraduate tuition exchange application period is open October 1 through November 30 for the upcoming academic year. Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year will be accepted beginning Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024 through Saturday, Nov. 30, 2024.
- If your dependent child is a new applicant or is currently on a tuition exchange scholarship, a new Undergraduate Tuition Exchange Application must be submitted annually to Human Resources at by Nov. 30.
- Applying to the Tuition Exchange program involves two applications: 1) the application to Pacific University Undergraduate Tuition Exchange Program due by Nov. 30; and, 2) If/when approved for the Undergraduate Tuition Exchange Program by Pacific University, the applicant must also apply for the Tuition Exchange Scholarship at the Tuition Exchange website.
- A member of the HR team will send you an email confirmation that your application has been approved or denied no later than Dec. 31.
- Tuition Exchange application approval by Pacific does not guarantee the applicant a tuition exchange placement at another participating school.
Undergraduate Tuition Exchange Resources
Understanding the Award Process
Admissions Terms
School Search
Apply for Undergraduate Tuition Exchange
Waiting Period Waiver
- Employed for a minimum of one year at an institution of education as defined under the Internal Revenue Code: “a regular faculty and curriculum and normally have a regularly enrolled body of pupils or students in attendance where the educational activities are regularly carried on.” Examples of educational organizations include but are not limited to: Higher-Educational Institutions, Public School Districts, and trade/technical schools.
- Worked at least 1,000 hours (per year) in a position that was not temporary, adjunct or student status
- During the entire 12-month period before the first day with Pacific University