Discounts & Perks

Tickets at Work | Complimentary perk that gives you access to 20 – 60% off on movies, hotels, shows, concerts, sporting events and more. Follow the instructions below to sign-up now and take advantage of the current discounts.

  1. Click Here
  2. Fill out the information to become a member
  3. Click on "Company Code" - 2nd bubble
  4. For Company Code, use PacificUniversity
  5. Enter in the rest of your information (use your personal or work email address)

Athletic Facilities | As a Pacific University employee, you have access to the university’s athletic facilities and intramural programs. Use the Stoller Center and Holce Tennis Courts in Forest Grove for free during available hours. You also may purchase a community membership for both facilities for members of your family. The track and field at Hanson Stadium in the Lincoln Park Athletic Complex is open to the public 6 a.m. to sunset daily, when not otherwise scheduled. Employees also can take part in the university’s intramural leagues and drop-in activities at no cost.

For Faculty and Staff employees, the Shute Park Aquatic & Recreation Center in Hillsboro offers a 6 month membership for a discounted rate of $100. Please present your Boxer ID at the facility to obtain the discount. (HR is currently looking into benefits at the Hidden Creek Community Center)

Boxer Boot Camp | Open to all Pacific University Faculty and Staff. Boxer Boot Camp generally runs for 11 weeks, starting in February. As part of this program, you will be paired with your own personal student trainer (PST) and a nutritional assistant who will help you achieve your personal wellness, fitness, and nutritional goals.

Car Rental | Members of the Pacific community have access to Pacific’s corporate discount through Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental services. Reference the corporate account number XZ46SB1 and pin number GP4 when renting. Reservations can be made online or by calling 1-800-RentaCar. For additional information, please visit the instructions page.

Cultural Events | Pacific University is a cultural hub, particularly at its Forest Grove Campus. Enjoy student performances, such as music, dance and theatre concerts, at an employee discount. Employees also get a great discount for the annual Performing Arts Series, which brings internationally recognized performances to Forest Grove. Learn more about upcoming events.

Healthcare | Pacific University’s clinical programs offer a wide range of healthcare services open to the community. Find services through the Pacific Dental Hygiene Clinic, Pacific EyeClinic, Pacific EarClinic, Pacific Physical Therapists Clinic, and Pacific Psychology & Comprehensive Healthcare Clinics.

Technology Purchases | Faculty and staff at Pacific University are eligible to purchase computers and software for their personal use at a company discount. Discounts are available through Dell, Apple, and more.

Explore additional promotions on the Staff Senate webpage!