All students are automatically enrolled in the semester payment plan. If you wish to pay on a monthly basis, you must enroll in the online payment plan on the Billing/Payment Portal.
- Students can view their billing statements and make payments here using their Single Sign-On.
- Authorized users can view student statements and make payments here.
Semester Plan
This option allows you to pay each semester in full before the semester begins. If your financial aid package pays your entire balance, your account will be considered a semester plan. Using your Pacific email, the payment plan system will notify you any time your installments increase or decrease. Our software is term-specific so be sure to select the correct term to apply the payment.
Fall: Due August 15
Spring: Due January 15
Summer: Due May 15
Semester Plan for Optometry Fourth Year Students Only
Summer: Due May 15
Fall: Due August 15
Winter: Due December 15
Spring: Due March 15
Monthly Payment Plan
Students will have the option to enroll into the monthly payment plan. To enroll, log onto the Billing/Payment Portal, select the “Payment Plan” tab found at the top of the page and follow the prompts. There is a $40 enrollment fee per semesters for this plan. Using your Pacific email, the payment plan system will notify you any time your installments increase or decrease. Our software is term-specific so be sure to select the correct term to apply the payment.
(students must opt-in via the Billing/Payment portal, $40/semester fee)
Fall: Due August 15, September 15, October 15, and November 15
Spring: Due January 15, February 15, March 15, and April 15
Summer: Due May 15, June 15, and July 15
Monthly Plan for Optometry Fourth Year Students Only
Summer: Due May 15, June 15, and July 15
Fall: Due August 15, September 15, October 15, and November 15
Winter: Due December 15 January 15th, and February 15
Spring: Due March 15, April 15, and May 15
Grace Period | Our office has a 10-day grace period for the semester payment plan and the monthly payment plan. Payments on the semester plan must me paid in full by the 25th of the month (per the initial due date). Payments on the monthly payment plan must be paid by the 25th of each month.
Late Fees | Past due balances are subject to a $50 late fee each month until the balance is brought up to date or is paid in full—this applies for the Semester Payment Plan and Monthly Payment Plan. Charges incurred after the inital statement and/or after refunds are disbursed are subject to late fees if not paid in 30 days.
Registration Hold | If a student has an account balance of $2000 or more, a registration hold is placed on their account. The registration hold does not affect their current semester of enrollment, however, they will not be able to register for the next semester. Registration hold notifications are sent to students via their Pacific email and a letter is sent to their home address. For the registration hold to be lifted, a student’s account balance must be under the $2000 threshold or they must pay their balance in full.
Statements | A paper statement will be issued at the beginning of each new semester. An electronic statement will be uploaded monthly and students will be notified via their Pacific email address if a balance remains on their account. Students may view their statements any time on the Billing/Payment Portal.
Note: In order for parents to be able to view their student’s account, students must go online and grant their parents access by registering them as authorized users on the Billing/Payment Portal.
Methods of Payment
On the Billing/Payment Portal, students have access to submit electronic payments. You can find information on these options below:
Electronic Check | This payment method pulls funds from a checking or savings account. A routing and account number is required and this method has no additional fee.
Debit/Credit Cards | Major credit cards accepted which includes MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. Please note the debit/credit card option will incur a non-refundable bank card convenience fee from the card service provider. Students and/or Authorized users will be notified of this fee before they submit a payment.
Other Payment Options
If students would like to submit payments in other methods, additional options can be found below:
Pay by Mail | Pacific University accepts the following payment methods by mail:
- Check, money order, or cashiers check payable to Pacific University. Please include the student’s name and ID number on the check or money order.
- Mail to:
Business Office
Pacific University
2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116
Pay in Person | The Business Office window is open from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday. Payments may be made in person via cash, personal check, cashiers check, traveler’s check, or money order during these hours. Additionally, in-person debit card payments may be made.
Note: All payments must be made in U.S. currency. Foreign currency will not be accepted.
International Payments via Flywire
Flywire is now available for international payments. You can learn more from the tutorial video below. When you are ready to make a payment using Flywire click the blue Flywire button to begin or navigate to the website here. Multilingual support is available from the Help Center.
Exiting the University
Students who take an leave of absence (LOA) or withdraw from Pacific University must complete the Exit Checklist that's provided by the Registrars Office. Information pertaining to Student Accounts is included in this process so please make sure to read the documentation thoroughly. It takes about 30 days for a student's account to be finalized by mutiple departments at the University.
Our office will send students a finalized statement for any balance due on their account or if there's a refund for any overpayment. If a balance is stated on a student's finalized bill after exiting the university, it is the student's responsibility to pay this balance. Registration holds are also placed on student accounts who have balances and are no longer attending the University. If a student wants to return to Pacific and enroll into classes, their balance must be paid to lift the registration hold. The Student Accounts team is willing to work with students to establish a payment plan that will fit their budget to make payments towards their past due balance.