Frequently Asked Questions | Business Office

How and when do I get a bill?

Statements/bills are created in early July for Fall Semester and early December for Spring Semester.

A paper statement/bill is mailed before each semester to the student’s mailing address on file with the Registrar’s Office. Every month thereafter if a balance remains, a statement is sent to the student’s Pacific email address from The student’s account is also available for viewing and paying on the Billing/Payment portal. Even if you do not receive an e-bill, any balance is still due by the due date to avoid late fees.

Please note: All correspondence from the Business Office will be directed to the student at the mailing address on record, UC box and/or Pacific email address.  It is the student's responsibility to keep contact information current on MyAccount.  Students may also grant others online access on their student account via the Billing/Payment portal.

What is included in my bill?

Charges may include tuition, fees, health insurance, room and board, library fines, student health center charges, printing charges, and miscellaneous charges from other college departments. It does not include books and supplies, or personal or travel expenses.

The bill reflects all current charges based on the student’s registration at the time of printing or emailing. Arts & Sciences students enrolled full-time in Fall or Spring Semesters are not charged tuition for Winter Term. Arts & Sciences students entering the University during Winter Term pay tuition and fees prior to registration. If full-time enrollment is maintained during Spring Semester, the Spring invoice will reflect a credit in the amount of the Winter Term tuition and fees. Any charges incurred after refunds are disbursed are subject to late fees if not paid in 30 days.

A student enrolled in three credit hours (except Psychology Graduate students taking one (1) or more credit hours) is also automatically billed for student medical insurance. If you are already covered by a health insurance program, a waiver must be completed online by the due date.  See "medical insurance" on Student Accounts page for waiver information.

Are books included in tuition and fees?

No. Books must be purchased separately. The amount needed for books varies depending on the course load. Students need to bring funds to purchase books at the campus bookstore. Bookstore purchases cannot be charged to a student account.

Are there additional charges for music lessons?

There is an additional charge of $375 per half-credit hour and $700 per credit hour for the cost of individual instruction. Students majoring in music may be eligible for a waiver of this cost. Contact the Music department at 503-352-2216 to request a waiver.  Students minoring in music are not eligible for a waiver.

When is my payment due?

See detailed payment due date information on the Student Accounts webpage.

There is a ten-day grace period before late fees are assessed to the account.

There is a $40 per semester fee for the monthly plan. Sign up and pay for the monthly plan on your Billing/Payment portal. There is a ten-day grace period before late fees are assessed to the account.

What are the late payment fees?

$50 per each month a payment is late. There is a ten-day grace period; late fees are assessed beginning the 26th of each month.

How do I submit a payment?

By mail— only if you are on a semester payment plan. Payments are accepted — U.S. currency  only — via check, money order, or cashier’s check to Pacific University. Please include student’s name and complete ID number on the check.

Mail to Business Office, Pacific University, 2043 College Way, Forest Grove, OR 97116

By BoxerOnline Self Service  — Semester or Monthly payment plan

  • Log into your Billing/Payment portal.  Select “View and Pay Student Account” and follow the prompts for making a payment. You may pay by checking or savings account (using the routing number and account number) for no fee. You may also pay by MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express credit card, which will incur a non-refundable bank card convenience fee.  Non-refundable fee will be disclosed and have to be agreed to before proceeding with transaction.

Can I make a payment using a credit card?

Yes. You may make a payment using MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express credit card on your Billing/Payment portal. A non-refundable bank card convenience fee will apply. Non-refundable fee will be disclosed and have to be agreed to before proceeding with transaction.

How do I enroll in the monthly payment plan?

Pay your tuition in installments using our online tuition payment plan system. Enroll by logging into your Billing/Payment portal. The cost is $40 per semester. You must opt-in before each semester begins if you wish to be on a monthly payment plan.

What is the medical insurance waiver?

All students enrolled in three or more credit hours, Psychology Graduate student enrolled in one or more credit hours, and Music Therapy students enrolled in one or more credit hours are automatically enrolled in the student health insurance plan unless coverage is waived by the deadline. Fully remote students are ineligible for the student health insurance plan.

If you are already covered by a health insurance program, a waiver must be completed online by the due date. You must fill out a waiver online each school year. Deadlines are indicated on the website. Premiums will not be refunded for waivers submitted more than 30 days past the due date.

What kind of coverage does the student medical insurance have?

The medical insurance is a Student Health plan that is compliant with the ACA requirements. For more information please go to the Academic Health Plans website.

How do I set up an authorized user on my Boxer Online account?

Each student has the option to set up an authorized user(s) on their student account by logging into their Billing/Payment portal.

What is a Student Contract?

This form is an agreement that in order to register for, enroll in, and continue to attend classes at Pacific University, the student understands and agrees to pay in full all fees, tuition, housing, meal plans and/or other miscellaneous charges required by the College applicable to the program by the dates indicated by Pacific University for each semester. The student can also provide the Business Office with authorization to release information to specific individuals on this form. You may authorize up to six people. This authorization will be in effect until you have fulfilled your financial obligations at Pacific University. This form must be signed by the student and submitted to the Business Office no later than the first day of class.

What is a Parent Plus loan refund?

Parent Plus is a federal loan for students taken in the parent’s name. After the loan is applied to the student’s account, any remaining balance is refunded and mailed to the parent at the mailing address we have on file. EXCEPTION: If the parent wants the refund to go directly to the student, a Parent Plus Authorization Form (DocuSign) must be completed and turned in to the Business Office. A form must be filled out each school year.

What is a 1098T Tax Form and when can I expect to receive one?

The 1098-T is a tax form that includes payments; scholarships, grants, and awards from third-party resources; indication of at least half-time status; and indication if the student was a graduate student within the calendar tax year. The 1098-T will be helpful in determining eligibility for federal and state education tax benefits, as well as determining the taxable portion (if any) of grants and scholarships received.

IRS regulations require 1098T tax forms be sent to eligible students by January 31 each year.


  • Please log into your BoxerOnline Self Service and select “1098 ELECTRONIC CONSENT” for online delivery of your 1098-T Tax Form.
  • Please log into myAccount to verify that your current Address is correct for federal tax form reporting.

Pacific University will make the form available on the student’s BoxerOnline Self Service, if the student is eligible to receive one. If the “1098 Electronic Consent” is not completed, Pacific University will send the 1098-T to the student’s preferred mailing address that is on file at the time the statement is produced.

If you have questions, call the 1098T line at 503-352-3198.