Publications | Vision Performance Institute

Please click on one of the topic links below to see related publications, or scroll down the page. This publication list is currently being updated with new and former material.

Please note: Some publications require institutional or personal access to online publisher archives. If you are unable to access an article through your institution, VPI authors are willing to supply PDF copies of the item upon request by email.

Computer Vision

Performance and comfort on near-eye computer displays
Filters on computer displays – effect on legibility, performance, and comfort
Visual effects of the luminance surrounding a computer display
Text legibility and letter superiority effect
The Effects of Visual Display Distance on Eye Accommodation, Head Posture, and Vision and Neck Symptoms
ClearType sub-pixel text rendering: Preference, legibility, and reading performance
Lateral interference, spacing, and word legibility (pdf)
Effects of ocular transverse chromatic aberration on peripheral word identification (pdf)

3D Vision and Displays

2011 VPI "Vision and 3D" Conference Presentations
Virtual 3D (pdf)
Effects of Vergence and Accommodative Responses on Viewer’s Comfort in Viewing 3D Stimuli (pdf)

Data analysis from several current and ongoing 3D studies will be posted as it becomes available.

Eye Strain

Exophoria at near in presbyopia
Phoria, vergence, and fixation disparity in oculomotor problems
Association of symptoms with measure of oculomotor deficiencies
Population study of fixation disparity, heterophoria, and vergence
Is all asthenopia the same?
What are the visual benefits of eyelid squinting?
Computer use, symptoms, and quality of life
Eyelid squint response to asthenopia-inducing conditions
Objective measurements of lower-level visual stress
The physiology of eyestrain
Symptoms and reading performance with peripheral glare sources (pdf)
Validity of diagnostic criteria and case analysis in binocular vision (pdf)

Light Toxicity

Ultraviolet eye radiation – the problem and solutions
Light Exposure, Lipofuscin and Age-Related Macular Degeneration (pdf)

Ophthalmic Lenses

Vertical yoked prism – patient acceptance and postural adjustment
Computer glasses for presbyopic patients (pdf)
Correlation analysis of the optics of progressive addition lenses
Evaluation of an automated subjective refractor
Progressive addition lenses – matching the specific lens to patient needs
Progressive powered lenses – the Minkwitz theorem
Computer usage has changed – and so have the eye corrective needs (pdf)
The optics of occupational progressive lenses
Progressive addition lenses – measurements and ratings
Objective measurement of PAL viewing zones (pdf)
Gunnar Optiks study: accommodation and symptoms
Gunnar Optiks study: electromyography and tear volume
Prescribing multifocal lenses (pdf)

Miscellaneous Publications

The perceived direction of the binocular image
The perceived stability of fixation
Visual acuity and chart luminance
Binocular vs. monocular task performance
Effect of filters upon object color naming
Monovision contact lens wear and occupational task performance
Task performance with base-in and base-out prism
Transportation in an aging society (pdf)
Visual acuity standard (pdf)
The video display terminal eye clinic – clinical report
Ophthalmic and visual optics – task performance as a measure of vision (pdf)
Task and visual performance with concentric bifocal contact lenses
Task and visual performance with contact lenses and spectacles
Vision and work (pdf)
Real-time measurement of accommodation while reading (pdf)
Ocular Coherence Tomography Guide
GDx Guide
20 Oral Drugs in Optometry -- A Practitioner's Reference
Diabetes: A Reference for the Primary Eyecare Clinician

Technical Reports

ClearType sub-pixel text rendering: Preference, legibility, and reading performance - Technical Report (pdf)
Effect of Character Spacing on Text Legibility - Technical Report (pdf)
Emphasis Techniques in Presentations: Effectiveness & Recall - Technical Report (pdf)
Individual character legibility - Technical Report (pdf)
Letter Structure and Legibility - Technical Report (pdf)