Public Information

The Vision Performance Institute welcomes media and public organizations seeking information about our group. We encourage you to contact us directly for additional information not provided here.

Vision Performance Institute 3D EyeClinic

3D EyeClinic Grand Opening

News release regarding the opening of the world's first 3D EyeClinic.

The Vision Performance Institute and 3D@Home

The following videos were recently released illustrating the partnership of the Vision Performance Institute, American Optometric Association and 3D@Home consortium in an effort to increase public awareness of 3D Vision and eye health.

The following links contain additional media coverage of the Vision Performance Institute and 3D:

News about the VPI and American Optometric Association's 3D Vision Public Awareness partnership
AOA, 3D@Home Consortium to cooperate on research about 3D/S3D
AOA and 3D@Home Consortium focus on 3D viewing
AOA and 3D@Home Consortium sign memorandum of understanding
AOA and 3D@Home Consortium sign memorandum of understanding(additional coverage)
AOA and 3D@Home Consortium sign memorandum of understanding(additional coverage)
AOA and 3D@Home Consortium sign memorandum of understanding (additional coverage)