Campus Public Safety provides safety, first aid and security services for the Pacific University community. Officers respond to all fire, medical and security related calls on campus. Campus Public Safety Officers are on duty 24-hours a day and are Oregon State Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) certified Private Security Professionals.
Officers on duty 24-hours a day, call:
Forest Grove: 503-352-2230
Hillsboro: 503-352-7207
The mission of Campus Public Safety is to provide a safe and secure environment and provide protection for the members of the Pacific University Community and the property of the University. Campus Public Safety is on-duty 24 hours a day to provide security services as well as responding to fire and medical emergencies on campus. Our goal is the protection of and service to our campus community. Campus Public Safety focuses on de-escalation, education and accountability as our first response to any situation.
Campus Public Safety supports the University mission of a diverse and sustainable community dedicated to discovery and excellence in teaching, scholarship and practice. Pacific University inspires students to think, care, create, and pursue justice in our world.
Campus Public Safety is dedicated to providing professional, honest and equitable service to all members of the community. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion or religious creed, disability, sex or gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, military, veteran or Vietnam Era status, or any other protected classification.
Campus Public Safety has several Crisis Intervention Team trained members on staff and is working towards the goal of all officers being trained and certified in crisis intervention. Trained officers have attended a 40 hour state certification course sponsored by local county mental health agencies and local law enforcement.
Campus Public Safety works closely with the Student Counseling Center, Student Support Services and the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion to ensure our students have a safe, healthy, supportive and equitable educational experience.
To report a bias incident, sexual misconduct, report a concern or request advocacy, an online reporting system is available.
Services Provided
Campus Public Safety officers provide a variety of services to members of the Pacific University Community. Please have your Boxer ID card with you.
- The Escort Program makes CPS officers available to escort students, staff or faculty members on and off campus.
- Jump-starting vehicles with dead batteries
- Opening locked vehicles
- Key assists into secured labs, classrooms or residence hall rooms (when Residence Life staff are unavailable)
When Should I Call CPS?
- If you see something happening that does not look right or someone who does not seem to belong on campus, call Campus Public Safety right away.
- If you are the victim of a crime, call right away. Campus Public Safety Officers will write a report and contact the local police for you.
- For medical emergencies, call 911 first and have someone else call Campus Public Safety right away. CPS Officers will coordinate with local emergency services and provide them access as necessary.
When in doubt, call CPS.
How To Report an Incident
- First, be ready to tell the CPS officer what is happening and where it is happening.
- Second, CPS officers will need some basic information when you call to report an incident.
Try to note the following characteristics of suspicious persons or vehicles when reporting them to CPS:
- Person:
Gender, age, height, weight, build, hair color, race, facial hair (mustache/beard), sideburns, clothing worn, speech style, gait or limp, scars, tattoos, etc. - Vehicle:
License plate, make, model, body style (two-door, four-door, convertible, etc.), color, identifying marks, scratches, or bumper stickers
Engraving Valuables
You can borrow an engraver from the CPS Office. Engrave your property utilizing your driver's license number in the following format: state of issue, driver's license number and the initials “DL” (without any spaces) like this: OR1234567DL
This will allow the police to locate the owner easily to return the property to the owner should they recover it. You should engrave bicycles, computer equipment, stereos, graphing calculators and anything else with a high dollar value.
A valid university parking permit is required for all university lots. Student parking permits are $50 for the calendar year and will be charged to your student account. If you plan to bring your car to campus, complete a permit application. You will need your license plate number, as well as the make, model, year and color of your car. Your permit will be be delivered to your UC Box.
After Hours Access To Buildings
To access academic buildings and labs after regular hours, you will need your current Boxer ID card with you. Many areas are designated as limited access areas by professors, so you will have to be on an access roster to get in. To access an area after hours, please do the following:
- Go to the building you want access to and check to see if it is open
- If the building is locked, use the nearest telephone and call Campus Public Safety at x2230
- When the CPS officer answers, tell them your name, what building and room number you need access to, that you have your Boxer ID Card, and have checked the door and it is locked
The CPS officer will need all of this information.
Important Phone Numbers and Information Sources
- Forest Grove Police Department: Day Phone 503-992-3260
- Forest Grove Police Dispatch (WCCCA): 503-629-0111
- 24-hour Washington County Crisis Line: 503-291-9111
- Hawthorn Mental Health Walk-In Center: 503-846-4555
- Student Counseling Center 24/7 Support & Crisis Line: 503-352-2999
- Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC):
24 hour hotline: 503-640-5311
business line: 503-384-0408 - Racial Equality Support Line: 503-575-3764
- State of Oregon Sex Offender Registration — General Information
- Identity Theft Information