There are five areas that have been identified for campus evacuations: Gilbert Hall Parking Lot (Lot K), Hanson Stadium Parking Lot (Lot M), Holce Tennis Court Parking Lot and Cascade Lawn (Lot E), Knight Hall Parking Lot (Lot I) and Taylor-Meade Performing Arts Parking Lot (Lot C).
Building designation of those assembly areas as follows.
Gilbert Hall Parking Lot K
Vandervelden Court Apartments
Burlingham Hall
Gilbert Hall
Hanson Stadium Parking Lot M
Facilities Complex
Stoller Center
Hanson Stadium | Baseball and Softball Stadium
2410 University Avenue
2415 Main Street
Holce Tennis Court Parking Lot E and Cascade Hall Lawn
Clark Hall
Walter Hall
McCormick Hall
Price Hall
Strain Science Center
Abbott Center
University Center/ Washburne Hall
Cascade Hall
Holce Tennis
Hillsboro Campus
Creighton Hall and ITF occupants: go to student parking lot at 8th and Washington
Building 2 occupants: go to church parking lot at 8th and Lincoln
Tuality Medical Plaza occupants: go to parking lot at 6th and Baseline
Tuality Professional Plaza (TPP) occupants: go to parking lot at corner of 7th and Oak
Knight Hall Parking Lot I
Les AuCoin Hall
Rogers Building
Drake House
Duniway House
Knight Hall | Admissions
Walter Annex
Chapman Hall
World Languages House
2223 Main Street
Frye Building | Human Resources
Bates House
Media Arts
Creamery Building | Milky Way
Health Center
Taylor-Meade Performing Arts Parking Lot C
Jefferson Hall
Warner Hall
Brown Hall
Carnegie Hall
Marsh Hall
Murdock Hall
Berglund Hall
Old College Hall
Taylor-Meade Performing Arts
Do not leave from the assembly area until authorized personnel have given you the all-clear notification to return to the building. It is crucial that everyone be accounted for should the incident require search and rescue operations.
Contact Us
CPS Officers are on duty 24-hours a day. In case of an emergency, call 911 and then contact CPS.
Campus Public Safety 503-352-2230 (Forest Grove) | 503-352-7207 (Hillsboro)