Emergency Response System

In the event of an emergency, the Pacific University Emergency Plan provides the guidelines to minimize the threat to life, health and property due to natural disasters, medical emergencies, fires and utility failures.

The Pacific University General Emergency Plan is known to the campus community and is distributed to managers, supervisors and student representatives. Training sessions are provided for all employees and students.

If, in the view of the University President (or his/her designee), a condition occurs that might endanger the health and welfare of students, faculty, staff or property of Pacific University, the Emergency Administrative System (EAS) will be activated by the University President or designee.

The following personnel will proceed immediately to open the Emergency Operations Center and follow established priority objectives and oversee response and recovery activities.

  • President
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Vice President for University Advancement
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Dean of Students
  • Director of Facilities Management
  • Environmental Health and Safety Manager
  • General Counsel