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Kao Kalia Yang and Danusha Laméris
Pacific MFA in Writing welcomes two new faculty: nonfiction writer Kao Kalia Yang and poet Danusha Laméris.
Victor Rodríguez
Rodríguez is an associate professor of Spanish in the College of Arts & Sciences. In addition to his dedication as a caring and supportive teacher, Rodriguez supports students through a wide variety of outside-the-classroom activities.
Ruth Zúñiga
Zúñiga is an associate professor in the School of Graduate Psychology, where she developed the Sabiduría emphasis.
Sara Summers
Summers joined the Pacific University Graduate & Professional Admissions team in 2007, supporting the School of Learning & Teaching and Master of Social Work programs on the Eugene Campus.
Weiss is the director for the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation and an assistant professor in the University Libraries
Greenwood is now senior executive assistant to the provost, but she also spent more than a decade supporting university governance groups.
Morgan is a senior business analyst and project manager for University Information Systems, where she creates innovative solutions for new programs and system efficiencies. 
Carmel Nicole
Nicol is assistant director of Graduate & Professional Admissions for the School of Audiology, where she works closely with prospective students to help them prepare for their journey toward a doctor in audiology degree.
Paul Michael
For the past 13 years, Michael has taught doctoral-level statistics and research design courses in the School of Graduate Psychology. In a course area that often challenges students, Michael has inspired success.
Jeannine Chan
Chan joined Pacific’s Chemistry Department in 2006 and teaches foundational and upper-level chemistry courses, while mentoring student research
