Kim Greenwood Wins Boxer Spirit Award
Kim Greenwood has received the 2021 Boxer Spirit Award at Pacific University.
Greenwood is now senior executive assistant to the provost, but she also spent more than a decade supporting university governance groups. She has managed smooth meetings and operations for Staff Senate, Faculty Senate and University Council and is the keeper of university policies and procedures.
She also has helped facilitate employee events, such as All-Staff breakfasts and conferences, Board of Trustees meetings, and the annual Faculty and Staff Honors & Awards Ceremony.
She is a diligent proponent of an inclusive environment, ensuring that university documents and information are translated and available in multiple languages.
Colleagues call out her “calm and reassuring presence, sound counsel, resourceful nature, and concern for broad input and collaborations from all individuals.”
The Boxer Spirit Award recognizes an employee who exemplifies teamwork, collegiality and cooperation across departmental lines.