News, Media and Stories

Dana Bates
Dana Bates has been promoted to associate professor of athletic training and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University.
Allison Brandt
Allison Brandt has been promoted to associate professor of psychology and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University
Sarah Foidel
Sarah Foidel has been promoted to associate professor of occupational therapy and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University
Andrew Bzowyckyj
Andrew Bzowyckyj has been granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University
Hyun Jeong Min
Hyun Jeong Min has been promoted to associate professor of business and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University
Zhuoming Peng
Zhuoming Peng has been promoted to full professor of business and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University.
Del Quest
Aisling “Del” Quest has been promoted to associate professor of social work and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University
Ian O’Loughlin has been promoted to associate professor of philosophy and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University.
Pacific University sign
Pacific University's Forest Grove Campus is announcing its decision to remain test optional beyond Fall 2021, offering undergraduate applicants the choice to include standardized test scores as part of their application. 
Keli Bruehling BEd '22
As the parent of five, Keli Bruehling BEd ’22 already knows she loves kids. But balancing that family with a job and a college education? That would take love and dedication. Bruehling is in her first year of the Pacific University School of Learning & Teaching bachelor of education program in Roseburg, Ore. “I quickly learned that my family, my employer, my professors and my cohort make an amazing support system and they want to help me succeed,” she said.
