News, Media and Stories

Aaron Sutton
Their ethos of community engagement made the Sutton family a perfect fit for Pacific. And they helped forge an enduring relationship between Pacific and the University of Western Australia.
The Human Resources Department announces a new employee monthly orientation session. HR also offers a weekly Zoom session on Tuesdays for all employee questions. Simply email in advance for either or both events and receive location details and the Zoom link.
The Vice President for University Advancement Search Committee has recommended four candidates to President Coyle. Meet the finalists during on campus visits between April 11–14. An open forum is available for staff and faculty who wish to meet the candidates in person or online.
Helen Howell, Human Resources AVP and Chief People Officer will be leaving Pacific University on April 7, 2023. Please join Pacific in wishing Howell much success in her future endeavors.
Boxer Giving Day 2023 was a big success
Boxer Giving Day 2023 was a great success with over $136,000 raised to support Pacific University excellence and our students. Thank you to everyone for your generous donations. If you missed Boxer Giving Day, it’s not too late to make a gift and change a student’s life!
Children playing with parachute outside in sunshine.
Join us in celebrating the Early Learning Community as it turns 15! Book your babysitters now and save the date for Saturday, April 29 in the Washburne University Center on the Forest Grove Campus.  
Get the latest university updates at a virtual town hall with President Jenny Coyle. Pacific staff and faculty are invited to register in advance for this spring 2023 meeting.
Award winning Pacific faculty member Shara McCallum leads a three-day Masterclass in Poetry and Nonfiction for writers of color. Register now for this program in April, which features the theme of "Inheritance." 
Effective April 3, 2023 workers, patients and visitors in healthcare settings will no longer be required to wear masks as per a recent announcement from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). Read about what this means for you.
Pacific Hall lobby remodel sketch
Exciting changes are coming to the Forest Grove Campus in 2023. We are in the final phase of a construction project which will create additional classrooms, computer technology labs, and study spaces to support academic programs, while also addressing infrastructure upgrades for the building. 
