News, Media and Stories

In Memoriam: Donald Pfau '62, OD '64
Lindsay Partain '16 produced The Way You Made Me, a one-woman prerecorded show presented on Vimeo for Theatre UAB in Birmingham, Ala., in April.
Sean O’Driscoll '92 will join PwC US, an auditing firm, as a principal to help companies create and execute effective social media and digital marketing strategies.
Alissa (Nielson) Hattman MFA '09 was published in zines & things, a Portland, Ore.,-based zine publishing team.
Megan Plumlee '03 recently published an article in AWWA Water Science in March 2021, and was featured in an interview in the publication.
Stewart Ward '60, OD '61 and Mysta (Austin) Ward '62 will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on April 22, 2021.
Trombley Square
Due to the pandemic and social distancing requirements, Facilities Management and Campus Public Safety will not conduct annual lockdown drills at its campuses this spring. However, Pacific University encourages students, faculty and staff to be prepared in the event of an emergency situation that leads to a lockdown — anywhere, anytime.
Dr. Brian Wilkinson recently collaborated with Holly Erenfeld, Dental Hygiene Studies assistant professor on an inter-professional presentation at the 2021 American Dental Education Association Annual Conference. 
Pacific University's Physical Therapy program is proud to announce four distinguished candidates who have been granted admission into the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy's National Honor Society: Maile Altier ’21, Kai Berkedal ’21, Brittney Gately ’21 and Zena Kiyota ’21.  
Jordyn Van Atta MAT '22
“The positive impact that a relationship with an educator can have in a student's life is what drove me into education,” Van Atta said.
