Policies & Forms Directory

Administrative Structure 2022 | CAS

This document describes the College of Arts & Sciences administrative structure and policies. The college faculty may recommend alterations to its administrative structure by vote of a majority of faculty members eligible to vote at Faculty Meeting. Major changes require approval by the Provost and the President. All votes described below are by the college’s full-time faculty.

Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016

External Consulting Disclosure Form

Please submit this form for each new external consulting arrangement to the college dean or to the Provost for non-college faculty members. Please note that if you have paid external consulting work you also need to fill out the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

Friday, Aug. 26, 2016

Pacific University Policy on Policies

POL - U1000.001

This policy establishes a process and guidance for the development, review, approval, and maintenance of University policies and procedures. By implementing this process, the University seeks to enhance operational efficiencies and compliance with applicable laws throughout University operations and activities. Policymaking may be used as a tool for providing guidance and establishing requirements for the areas of the University community covered by the policy or procedure.

Policy template

Procedure template  

PUNID required to review documents.

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017

IT Guidelines and Policy for International Travel | UIS

POL - UIS4500

International travel significantly increases the risks of theft or loss of IT equipment and of malware infection that can compromise accounts.  This policy helps to manage these risks and thus manage the risk to university protected data and records. There are also potential legal issues surrounding traveling with encryption and this policy helps manage risk of legal action to the university or its employees.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Equal Opportunity Policy

POL - U1001

The Equal Opportunity Policy provides the framework for upholding inclusion, diversity and equity at Pacific University in all academic and employment practices.

Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016

Service and Companion Animal Policy

POL - U1002

To establish guidance regarding students or visitors bringing service or companion animals on University property and, if applicable, the process for appealing a decision relating to a qualifying animal.  This policy does not apply to animals utilized for research or other scholarly activities. 

Friday, Jan. 5, 2018

University Public Exhibits Policy

POL - U1003

To establish a process whereby Pacific University faculty, staff, and students may request, and implement, the temporary installation of a public exhibit in or adjacent to a university building or facility. The primary purpose of exhibits on the Pacific University campuses is to promote interest and use of the university’s cultural resources (Archives, Museum, and Art collections); exhibits may also be used to promote diverse scholarly and cultural perspectives or improve access to collections of resources that connect to community or global issues.

SUP - U1003A External Exhibit Agreement

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Healthcare Clinic Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct provides guidance for professional conduct. The success and reputation of the university in fulfilling its mission depends on the ethical behavior, honesty, integrity and good judgment of each member of the community.

The Code of Conduct outlines principles, policies and some of the laws that govern the activities of the University and to which our employees who represent the University must adhere. Those acting on behalf of Pacific University Healthcare Clinic Operations have a general duty to conduct themselves in a manner that will maintain and strengthen the public’s trust and confidence in the integrity of the University and take no actions incompatible with their obligations to the University.

Those acting on behalf of the University in a capacity related to Health Care Clinics must practice and annually attest to and sign the Code of Conduct, Confidentiality of Records Agreement and Acknowledgement of Pacific University Healthcare Clinic Policies and Procedures.

PUNet ID Required to review
The form & policy were updated June 2024.

Healthcare Code of Conduct Form for Signature (6/2024)

Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021

Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information Policy


The purpose of this policy is to describe patients’ rights to request an accounting of disclosures of their protected health information.

One of the rights granted to patients under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is the right of the patient to request and receive an accounting of the disclosures of the patient’s PHI. The patient’s right to request and receive an Accounting of Disclosures is described within the Notice of Privacy Practices. This policy describes how Pacific University must to be able to provide the patient with an accurate Accounting of Disclosures.

The scope of this policy is all workforce members of Pacific University’s health care component. Pacific University is a hybrid entity. Only the health care component (i.e., the covered functions) of Pacific University must comply with this policy. All references in this policy to “Pacific University” shall be construed to refer only to the health care component of Pacific University.

PUNet ID Required to review
The form and policy were updated June 2024.

Form - Request for Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information

Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021

Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information


The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the University’s process for the use and disclosure of PHI pursuant to a written authorization.

This policy describes the uses and disclosures of protected health information (PHI) that require written authorization prior to use or disclosure. This policy establishes guidelines for obtaining and properly documenting an individual’s authorization for any use and/or disclosure of PHI that requires prior authorization. This policy also identifies the elements of a valid authorization and verification for release of PHI upon receipt of an authorization.

The scope of this policy is all workforce members of Pacific University’s health care component. Pacific University is a hybrid entity. Only the health care component (i.e., the covered functions) of Pacific University must comply with this policy. All references in this policy to “Pacific University” shall be construed to refer only to the health care component of Pacific University.

Authorization to Disclose FORM - English

Authorization to Disclose FORM - Spanish

Authorization to Disclose Opt Out or Revoke Form - English

Authorization to Disclose Opt Out or Revoke Form - Spanish

HIPAA Attestation Form

PUNet ID Required to review
Policy Updated May 2023; Forms Updated December 2023

Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017

Request for Confidential Communications


The purpose of this policy is to ensure patients the right to request Confidential Communications as required by HIPAA.

HIPAA permits a patient to request that the covered entity communicates by alternative means or to alternative locations.

The scope of this policy is all workforce members of Pacific University’s health care component. Pacific University is a hybrid entity. Only the health care component (i.e., the covered functions) of Pacific University must comply with this policy. All references in this policy to “Pacific University” shall be construed to refer only to the health care component of Pacific University.

Updated August 2024

Request for Confidential Communications Form

Confidential Communications Revocation Form

Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021

De-Identification of Protected Health Information Policy


The purpose of this Policy is to set forth Pacific University’s process for determining what patient information can be used and disclosed if information that can identify a person has been removed.

Pacific University has a duty to protect the confidentiality and integrity of protected health information (PHI) as required by law, professional ethics, and accreditation requirements therefore this policy outlines the standards that workforce members at Pacific will follow when de-identifying PHI.

This policy applies to the workforce members of Pacific University’s Healthcare Clinics.  Pacific University is a hybrid entity. Only the health care component (i.e., the covered functions) of Pacific University must comply with this policy. All references in this policy to “Pacific University” shall be construed to refer only to the health care components of Pacific University.

PUNet ID Required to review
Updated April 2023

Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017

Tobacco and Inhalant Delivery Systems Policy


Tobacco & Inhalant Delivery Systems – In compliance with ORS 431A.175 and ORS 339.883, tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems may not be possessed or used by any person under twenty-one (21) years of age on University premises or at University-sponsored activities.

Senate Bill 754, signed by the Governor of Oregon in August, 2017 and in effect as of January 1, 2018, makes it an offense to sell tobacco products or inhalant delivery systems to anyone under 21 years of age. Additionally, the bill changed two Oregon Revised Statutes, thereby requiring Universities like Pacific to prohibit the possession and use of tobacco and inhalant delivery systems on University premises and University-sponsored events by persons under 21 years of age. This new policy is in direct response to these statute requirements.

Monday, Jan. 1, 2018

Healthy Meeting Policy

POL – U1006

The purpose of this policy is to provide an environment conducive to and supportive of health and well being for all Pacific University Faculty, Staff, Students, and guests.  The strong relationship between diet and health and the increasing rates of weight problems make supporting healthy food choices at Pacific part of our commitment to health. Pacific University is committed to providing an environment that encourages healthy lifestyles among its employees, students, and partners.  As meetings are a central aspect of the workplace, the University asks individuals who organize meetings and events to include healthy food and beverage options when refreshments are served, and dedicated opportunities for physical activity. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Vending Machine Policy

POL – U1007

The purpose of this policy is to improve the quality, quantity, and affordability of healthy food choices available in vending machines on the Hillsboro and Forest Grove campuses of Pacific University. This policy requires that food and beverages sold in vending machines located in all Pacific University facilities meet specified nutrition standards. By developing policies that support healthy options in vending machines, it makes healthy choices more widely available and has the power to guide behavior.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Student Grievances Policy

POL - AA2001

The purpose of this policy is to establish a process and guidance for any Pacific University student seeking to resolve an alleged violation, directly affecting that student, of any of the policies or procedures of the university, college, or school in which the student is enrolled. This policy applies to any student enrolled at Pacific University and any grievance for which there is not an existing process established as set forth in a university handbook or policy (e.g., academic review, student conduct, etc.).

Monday, May 2, 2016

Harassment Including Sexual Harassment

POL - U1010

Pacific University reaffirms the principle that its students, faculty, and staff have a right to be free from harassment in workplace and academic settings and activities. Harassment is inconsistent with the nature of an academic community and in some circumstances can be a violation of federal and state law.

Updated July 2024

Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2018

Complaint Resolution Procedure - Staff

POL - U1011

In any organization, misunderstandings and problems can develop which require clarification and attention. These disagreements may involve peers or an employee and a supervisor. Each person involved in a disagreement should be treated with respect and a grievance should not be discussed with anyone other than the person(s) involved in its resolution. Pacific University provides each employee with this process for resolving a work-related complaint.

This policy does not apply to complaints related to harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, age, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by applicable local, state or federal law. These concerns should be reported immediately following the procedures outlined in the Harassment Including Sexual Harassment policy.

Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018

Conflict of Interest

POL - U1012

A conflict of interest is considered to exist if an employee’s actions, activities or practices on behalf of the University result in preferential treatment or an improper gain or advantage to the employee, the individual’s family or business associates, or conversely, has a detrimental effect on the University’s interests. It can include an instance in which an employee fails to exercise due care, skills and judgment on behalf of the University on the performance of the individual’s duties because of a conflict of interest.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Employment of Relatives

POL - U1013

The University will not prohibit the employment of relatives provided that the employment does not create a conflict of interest and has been based on merit principles and that a member of the employee’s family does not influence the selection process.

Friday, June 1, 2018
