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Clubs and Organizations

Student Government

  • Undergraduate Student Senate
    • USS Webpage
      Advisor: Pete Erschen | Dean of Student Engagement and Inclusion
  • Professional Student Senate
    • PSS Webpage
      Advisor: Pete Erschen | Dean of Student Engagement and Inclusion

Greek Life

  • Pacific University Greek Senate
    • The Pacific University Greek Senate (PUGS) is an organization formed by representatives of Pacific's sororities, fraternities, and a diaternity at Pacific. You can follow PUGS on Instagram @pugreeksenate.

      President | Lillian Mickson,
      VP of Recruitment | Sara Muller
      VP of Finance | Taylor Otnes
      VP of Programming | Kamilah Dillard
      VP of Communications | 
      VP of Inter-Greek Relations | Gwyn Sturgeon
      Advisor | Jason Feiner,
  • Alpha Kappa Delta (Sorority)
    • Members of AKD support one another as friends for life and further womanhood, tolerance, and camaraderie among the women of this and other sororities. Members of AKD shall work towards the betterment of the community with the Greek Life pillar of service in mind through the practice of its chosen philanthropy work for the cause of children, including our philanthropy Centro Cultural de Washington County. The members of AKD never stop learning from every experience in life.

      Presidents | Jordhan Spencer, | Nataly Torres,
      Advisor | Denise Gieserbs,
  • Delta Chi Delta (Diaternity)
    • The Deltas are service-oriented Greek chapter for LGBTQIA+ folks and allies. The term "diaternity" means transcending boundaries, and as such we welcome people of all gender identities to join us. Our core values are equity, authenticity, loyalty, and service, meaning that we actively support each other and our community, ensure that every member's needs are met, and provide a safe space for member self-expression and identity formation. We also pride ourselves on our good vibes and wholesome memes.

      President | Oliver Berglund,
      Advisor | Michelle Lawrence,
  • Phil Lambda Omicron (Sorority)
    • The Phi Lambda Omicron chapter values siblinghood, respect, open-mindedness, kindness, academic excellence, and loyalty. We create a sense of community on campus, and give a support system to new and returning members. We are loyal, respectful, and kind to our siblings, and are open-minded to one another and our differences. Our legacy of academic excellence ties into our original roots as a literary society, and its memory of our siblings before us.

      President | Quetzali Buenrostro Andalon,
      Advisor | Debbie O'Dea,
  • Theta Nu Alpha (Sorority)
    • The Theta Nu Alpha Sorority values are empowerment, kindness, personal growth, and respect. Theta Nu Alpha members live by the mottos of being "True to the end" and "Never leave a sister behind." Members of Theta Nu Alpha work for the cause of women empowerment, including our philanthropy.

      President | Avery Medinger,
      Advisor | Becca Ellenbecker,
  • The Order of Omega, Rho Omega Chapter (Greek Honor Society)
    • Order of Omega members are selected from the highest achieving members (must be a sophomore, junior, or senior to apply) at each institution where a chapter has been chartered. To date, over 580 chapters have been chartered throughout North America with almost 300,000 members initiated since 1959.

      The Order of Omega is the premier leadership honor society of members of Greek-letter organizations. Order of Omega recognizes members who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, involvement within their respective organization and within the Greek, campus, and local community. Members share the common goal of recognizing the many outstanding student leaders at their institution.

Student Media

  • The Pacific Index
  • Boxer Radio
  • Media Arts Production Services
    • Housed in the Media Arts Department, MAPS offers connections for student creatives who would like to gain experience collaborating and communicating with clients while building a professional portfolio. Clients receive individual attention from student creatives as they apply their skills to real-world projects at a reduced cost.

      Iris Young | MAPS Manager
      Walter B4a |
  • Silk Road Literary Magazine
    • Silk Road Review is a literary journal publishing poetry, short stories in both fiction and nonfiction, one-act plays, photography and first chapters of novels from emerging and established artists.

      Advisor | Keya Mitra,
  • Pacific’s Literature by Undergraduates Magazine (PLUM)
    • PLUM is the annual publication of the Department of English, featuring award-winning, student-produced work in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and literary scholarship.

      Advisor | Keya Mitra,
  • Pacific University Media Arts (PUMA)
    • PUMA is the official media arts club, with weekly meetings and other resources available for media arts students and the community. We also help local community members with media arts projects and services such as photography and videography.

      Follow us on Instagram or visit our website for more information.

      President | Aaron Meeuwsen,
      Advisor | Jennifer Hardacker,

Academic Honorary


Multicultural & Religious

Performing Arts

Service, Politics & Advocacy

Sports & Recreational

More Information

If you'd like to start a new club, or have questions regarding active clubs or organizations on campus, contact

Membership in clubs and affinity groups, as well as attendance at affinity group events, is open to all Pacific University community members. These groups provide spaces for individuals to connect around shared interests, experiences, and community-building efforts. Participation is not restricted by race, ethnicity, or any other protected characteristic, and all are welcome to engage in discussions and activities.