Resources for Student Leaders

Student organizations in good standing enjoy the privilege to reserve campus spaces for meetings and events. Events and meeting spaces are requested and approved online through the university's EMS Room Scheduling site. Student organizations may register one member to access EMS on the organization's behalf using this sign-up.

Planning a successful event often requires plenty of advance time, specialized knowledge in areas like risk management or audio-visual equipment, and adequate resources. Training and support is offered by Student Activities and Conference and Event Support Services staffs. Student organizations that are thinking of planning a large event are encouraged to work with ACE Board far in advance. ACE Board is involved in most large student events on campus and manages sound, lighting, and other services to produce such events.

Frequently Asked Questions

We need a student employee in our department to regularly assist with making reservations. How can they get access?

A staff or faculty member may delegate their EMS access to a student in order to assist in the performance of the staff or faculty members' regular duties. We provide details in EMS Delegation Instructions (pdf). The student will still need to activate their EMS account here, in order for their login to work, and should indicate it is for employment, not for a student organization.

I need space to conduct an academic research project, class assignment, or similar activity.

Your course instructor has the authority to request appropriate campus spaces for additional times for approved course activities and requirements. According to the faculty handbook, your course instructor is responsible for maintaining academic standards over their course content and your learning. Conference & Event Support Services and Student Activities are not staffed to verify that every student-initiated request to use a University facility meets with a particular instructor's approval for the intended academic, creative, or scholarly objective.

I have to complete a civic engagement project for a class or credit.

In the College of Arts & Sciences, students have a core requirement for Civic Engagement (CE). Civic engagement means identifying and actively addressing issues that have widespread relevance to the population at large, using the tools of a civil society to enact change and serve the common good. You can satisfy the Civic Engagement (CE) Core requirement through the completion of a CE-designated course or a CE project. Project types may include on- or off-campus service, advocacy, awareness-raising, activism, action-oriented research, deliberative dialogue, electoral participation, and/or political involvement. 
Student CE projects that involve campus resources such as room spaces, university vehicles, or catering must be approved by the McCall Center for Civic Engagement (MCCE). If you wish to organize a CE project, your first action should be to contact the MCCE. In addition to project approval, the MCCE can provide assistance with project planning, minimize your personal CE costs through the Student Civic Engagement Mini Grant, and maximize your desired impact with the help of their enthusiastic and experienced student staff.

I'm not in a student club or organization, but want to host an event on campus. 

Working with an established student organization to further an existing goal of theirs or try something new has several advantages. An established student organization likely has financial resources, experienced event planners, members dedicated to a common cause, a faculty adviser, and the privilege to host their own events on campus. By engaging with them you may have a more successful event and may discover that you wish to continue working in the group even after your core requirement is complete. You may find contact information for relevant student organizations in the Student Organization Directory. Student Activities staff are often aware of various student organizations' current plans and are happy to consult with you to connect you with a student organization relevant to your interests. It is also possible that another office or department on campus may choose to sponsor your event. If your event is a civic engagement project, while it is also possible to work with an established student organization, a civic engagement project still requires MCCE approval.


More Information

Membership in clubs and affinity groups, as well as attendance at affinity group events, is open to all students of Pacific University. These groups provide spaces for individuals to connect around shared interests, experiences, and community-building efforts. Participation is not restricted by race, ethnicity, or any other protected characteristic, and all are welcome to engage in discussions and activities.