Jeffrey Williams '93 came to Pacific on a music scholarship. The "Pacific experience," however, gave him the tools to pursue his dream career in law enforcement.
Melissa Lowery '09 created a feature-length documentary, "Black Girl in Suburbia," about the experience of growing up Black in suburban Oregon. She continues the conversation, working in Portland-area high schools.
Alongside a doctor and nurses providing family care for more than 20,000 residents of Bungoma, Corby Makin '12 describes his experiences combining the civic spirit he learned at Pacific University with his medical skills through his mission in Kenya.
Pacific University helped launch George Long '63 on a 38-year career in weapons and defense — plus, the Athletic Hall of Fame inductee is still playing tennis.
Kathryn Compton Bailey Puffett '60 first came to Pacific University during Music in May. Since then, she has performed, researched and taught music around the world.
Dorothy Schimke '64 came to Pacific when she was 4, when her father was head of the Chemistry Department. She's stayed part of the Pacific family throughout her lifetime.
Pacific alumnus Alexander “Sandy” Farquhar '65 shares his exceptional life stories, from being in the Pacific Athletic Hall of Fame to helping with the first moon landing and launching secret satellites.