Staff Senate

Staff Senate exists to serve you. 

We care about the quality of your life relative to campus and the larger global community. We are committed to openness, collaboration and inclusiveness. Any issues or concerns you have are welcomed by the Staff Senate. Email us any time at

The Staff Senate typically meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 3 to 5 p.m.  All non-faculty members are invited to attend. Meetings are held both in-person (alternating between Forest Grove and Hillsboro campuses) and on Zoom. View the schedule here.


Send Your Suggestions to the Staff Senate

The Staff Senate serves as the official representative body of the University staff community by actively participating in campus governance.  The Staff Senate shall foster a spirit of unity and cooperation, providing representation of non-faculty personnel in coordination with the faculty and student governing bodies.  The Staff Senate shall also provide a forum for the exchange of information between members of the staff, administration, faculty and students. — from the University Faculty & Governance Handbook


Upcoming Events

Forest Grove, Washburne University Center, Multi-Purpose Room (MPR), Hillsboro, Baker Hall, Room 109

All staff are invited to the Quarterly All-Staff Meeting. The agenda and Zoom link can be viewed one week before the meeting.

Online, Hillsboro, Baker Hall

The Staff Senate invites staff members to its monthly meetings. The Staff Senate maintains an open-door policy and all staff members are welcome to attend. The agenda can be viewed one week before the meeting.

Online, Forest Grove, Berglund Hall, Conference Room (Room 200)

The Staff Senate invites staff members to its monthly meetings. The Staff Senate maintains an open-door policy and all staff members are welcome to attend. The agenda can be viewed one week before the meeting.

Forest Grove

Pacific University staff are invited to join their staff colleagues at the 2025 Boxer Field Day, formerly known as the All-Staff Conference, on Tuesday, June 3, 2025, on the Forest Grove Campus.

Online, Hillsboro, Baker Hall

The Staff Senate invites staff members to its monthly meetings. The Staff Senate maintains an open-door policy and all staff members are welcome to attend. The agenda can be viewed one week before the meeting.