Athletic Training Professional Licensure General Disclosure

34 CFR § 668.43(a)(5)(v)and (c)

Pacific University provides this General Disclosure to students prior to enrollment or financial commitment. Successful completion of the Athletic Training (MSAT) program has been compared to the educational requirements for licensure or certification required for employment in each State and US Territory. If the program does not meet, or we are unable to determine that the education program meets the educational requirements, we have provided contact information to the licensing board for that State or Territory.

Students are advised to determine, prior to enrollment, whether the program meets licensure requirements in the State or Territory in which the Student is located.

Pacific University considers the U.S. State or Territory address included on the enrollment application as the student’s primary address. For student applicants who are members of any branch of the US Military, their assigned base or base of deployment is considered their legal residence.

Students must provide formal notification to Pacific University when the student’s legal residence has changed to another State or Territory and when the new State or Territory is listed on the table below and is noted as Does Not Meet or Unable to Determine.

  Meets Does Not Meet Unable to Determine
All 50 States X    
District of Columbia (DC) X    
American Samoa (AS)     American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board (all disciplines)
Department of Health Pago Pago, AS 96799 
684-633-1222 (phone)
684-633-1869 (fax)
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (PR)     Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Board of Nurse Examiners 800 Roberto H. Todd Avenue, Room 202
Santurce, PR 00908
787-999-8989 or 787-705-8364 or 
Puerto Rico Board of Dental Examiners 787-765-2829
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (MP)     Board of Professional Licensing/Health Care Professions Licensing Board
P.O. Box 502078 Saipan, MP 96950
670-664-4808/4809 (phone)
670-664-4814 (fax)
Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)     Department of Health and Social Affairs PS70, Palikin, Pohnpei State, FM 96941 691-320-2640 (phone)
691-320-2380 (fax)
Guam (GU)     Guam Health Professional Licensing Office (all except nursing)
194 Hernan Cortez Avenue, Terlaje Professional Building, Suite 213
Hagatna, Guam 96910 Mailing
123 Chalan Kareta, Mangilao, Guam 96913
Republic of Palau (PW)     Palau Ministry of Health One Hospital Road
P.O. Box 6027 Koror, RP 96940
680-488-2552 (phone)
680-488-1211 (fax)
Republic of the Marshall Islands (ISO)     Ministry of Health and Human Services
P.O. Box 16
Delap, Majuro 96960
US Virgin Islands (VI)     USVI Department of Health (all except nursing) 1303 Hospital Ground, Suite 10
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VI 00802 340-774-9000



Contact Us

Dr. Jeffrey Kawaguchi PT, PhD, ATC | AT Program Director
190 SE 8th Avenue, Hillsboro OR |