National Associations and Programs Assessment Information by Division:
Fine Arts | Humanities | Natural Sciences | Social Sciences
Fine Arts
National Association of Schools of Art and Design: NASAD establishes national standards for undergraduate and graduate degrees and other credentials.
NASAD Program Assessment: The accreditation process includes the following components: Standards, Self-Study, On-Site Review, Commission Action, Publication, and Obligations.
National Association of Schools of Music: NASM, founded in 1924, is an organization of schools, conservatories, colleges and universities with approximately 625 accredited institutional members. It establishes national standards for undergraduate and graduate degrees and other credentials.
NASM Program Assessment: The accreditation process includes the following components: Standards, Self-Study, On-Site Review, Commission Action, Publication, and Obligations.
Council of Writing Program Administrators: WPA is a national association of writing professionals with interests in developing and directing writing programs
WPA Program Assessment: This organization presents assessment as a tool to help communicate standards and strategies for English departments at colleges and universities.
American Historical Association (AHA): As the largest historical society in the United States, the American Historical Association (AHA) provides leadership and advocacy for the profession, fights to ensure academic freedom, monitors professional standards, spearheads essential research in the field, and provides resources and services to help its members succeed.
AHA Program Assessment: This association aims to use program assessment to evaluate the learning outcomes for history students.
Media Arts
International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa): The International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa) was founded in early 2004 by a group of 15 universities. iDMAa is dedicated to serving educators, practitioners, scholars, and organizations with interests in digital media.
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s):
- University of Montana (pdf)
- Monmouth University (pdf)
- University of Georgia (pdf)
American Philosophical Society: The American Philosophical Society promotes useful knowledge in the sciences and humanities through excellence in scholarly research, professional meetings, publications, library resources, and community outreach.
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s):
- Northern Arizona University
- Occidental College
- University of North Dakota
- Indiana State University (pdf)
World Languages
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL): The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) is the only national organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction.
ACTFL Program Assessment (pdf): This document outlines the standards by which departments should strive to in order to establish and/or maintain a successful foreign language program.
Natural Sciences
Bioinformatics Organization: The Bioinformatics Organization, Inc. serves the scientific and educational needs of bioinformatic practitioners and the general public. They develop and maintain computational resources to facilitate world-wide communications and collaborations between people of all educational and professional levels.
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s)
Human Biology Association (Human Biology): The Human Biology Association promotes education, discussion, integration and dissemination of research on all aspects of human biological variation through annual scientific meetings and periodic publications.
American Society for Cell Biology (Cell Biology): The ASCB strives to ensure the future of basic scientific research by providing training and development opportunities for students and young investigators, and also by keeping Congress and the American public informed about the importance of biomedical research.
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s):
- Indiana University
- Occidental College
- California State University, Fresno (pdf)
American Chemistry Society: ACS is a congressionally chartered independent membership organization which represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry.
ACS Program Assessment (pdf): ACS, through the Committee on Professional Training, approves chemistry programs meeting the ACS guidelines. Approved programs offer their students a broad-based and rigorous chemistry education that provides them with the intellectual, experimental, and communication skills to participate effectively as scientific professionals.
Computer Science
ABET: ABET provides world leadership in assuring quality and stimulating innovation in applied science, computing, engineering, and technology education.
ABET Program Assessment: ABET goes over their accreditation standards and process, which they use to assure that colleges and universities meet certain standards set by the profession.
Exercise Science (Exercise Physiology)
American Society of Exercise Physiologists: The American Society of Exercise Physiologists, the professional organization representing and promoting the profession of exercise physiology, is committed to the professional development of exercise physiology, its advancement, and the credibility of exercise physiologists.
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s):
- Brigham Young University
- California State University, Fresno (Kinesiology)
Mathematical Association of America: The Mathematical Association of America is the largest professional society that focuses on mathematics accessible at the undergraduate level. Our members include university, college, and high school teachers; graduate and undergraduate students; pure and applied mathematicians; computer scientists; statisticians; and many others in academia, government, business, and industry.
MAA Program Assessment (pdf): The Committee on Assessment is charged with gathering information on appropriate assessment methods in university mathematics of all types, including programmatic assessment (major, service courses, general education/quantitative literacy, developmental, overall program, etc.), formative and summative in-class assessment, and assessment of teaching effectiveness; and disseminating this information to the mathematical community as well as encouraging departments to become aware of, and engage in, effective assessment.
American Association of Physics Teachers: The American Association of Physics Teachers was established in 1930 with the fundamental goal of ensuring the "dissemination of knowledge of physics, particularly by way of teaching."
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s):
- Occidental College
- Georgia State University
- Indiana University, South Bend
Social Sciences
American Anthropological Association (AAA): Founded in 1902, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) is the world's largest organization of individuals interested in anthropology.
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s):
- University of Georgia (pdf)
- SUNY Postdam (pdf)
Business Administration
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business:The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is an association of educational institutions, businesses, and other organizations devoted to the advancement of higher education in management education. It is also the premier accrediting agency of collegiate business schools and accounting programs worldwide.
ACSB Program Assessment: This details more about accreditation standards and how the AASCB conducts the accreditation process within their organization.
American Economic Association: The purposes of the association are to encourage economic research, especially the historical and statistical study of the actual conditions of industrial life, as well as issue publications on the subject of economics.
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s):
- Illinois University (pdf)
- University of Michigan (Flint)
- California State University, Fresno
Politics & Government (Political Science)
American Political Science Association: The American Political Science Association is the leading professional organization for the study of political. With a range of programs and services for individuals, departments and institutions, APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavors within and outside academe in order to expand awareness and understanding of politics.
APSA Program Assessment: Multiple examples of departmental assessments in the field of Political Science
America Psychological Association (APA): The America Psychological Association (APA) aims to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s lives.
APA Program Assessment: This details how the process of accrediation occurs.
Social Work
National Association of Social Workers (NASW):The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
Examples of Departmental Assessment(s):
American Sociological Association: The American Sociological Association is an organization that wishes to further to academic and professional setting through scholarly studies, and through the publishing of relevant journal articles.
ASA Program Assessment (pdf): This document outlines how a program in sociology would go about creating and implementing an effective assessment plan for sociology.