Interprofessional Courses

The Pacific University College of Health Professions offers a variety of Interprofessional Elective Courses designed to integrate students from across the health professions to explore topics in healthcare through an interprofessional lens. The following are a sampling of interprofessional course offerings at Pacific. All courses are listed in the online academic catalog.



CHP 450/550 Foundations for Interprofessional Practice, Equity, and Inclusion

The first Interprofessional Course was established at Pacific University in 2009.  During the strategic planning process, the college integrated strategic goals for interprofessional practice, education and research that also leveraged existing interprofessional initiatives with other programs and colleges across the university. Today, the course has grown into the required foundational program for all health professions students.

Foundations for Interprofessional Practice, Equity, and Inclusion promotes the development of skills and attitudes needed to function effectively in an interprofessional healthcare community.  Students will work on experiential group activities to increase their knowledge in the four core competencies of interprofessional work as outlined by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC). Competencies include:  interprofessional communication, team dynamics and professionalism, roles and responsibilities, and values and ethics for interprofessional practice ( Students will incorporate understanding of the fundamentals of diversity, equity, and inclusion as they can be enacted within those competencies.  The course includes strategies for respectful and effective team building in a multicultural and interprofessional environment.

Students will be randomly placed into one of thirteen cohorts throughout the Spring semester. The schedule is as follows:

CHP450/550 2024 Proposed Course Revision Outline

The course will run on the following Wednesdays 12:15pm-1:45pm (yellow dates are asynchronous)

2025 FIP Course Schedule

FG Section 11: Jan 22, Jan 29, Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 19, Feb 26, March 5, and March 12

Interdisciplinary Seminars in Healthcare

CHP 420/520 Travel Prep

CHP 430/530 Interprofessional Global Health

CHP 470/570 The Pathology of Race and Racism in Healthcare 

This course is designed to introduce students to a critical analysis of race, racial stratification, and racism using social epidemiologic methods and critical approaches within the practice of health care and public health. This course focuses on (1) centering the lived experiences and expertise of BIPOC communities; (2) conceptualizing racism-related factors as societal determinants of health; and, (3) developing critical self-consciousness to better understand how one’s racial- or racism-related perspectives and experiences might inform her/their/his practice. This course includes lectures and interactive seminars exploring race, racism, structural violence, racial identity and privilege from a systems and personal perspective while examining how these constructs interact with and impact the health care and public health systems and their professionals. (Fall- 1 Credit) 

CHP 490/590 End of Life Care

End-of-Life care presents healthcare professionals with many ethical challenges and dilemmas. Understanding ethical theories and ethical principles can provide a foundation for decision making. The goal of this course is to provide healthcare professionals with the tools necessary to make ethical decisions when providing care for patients at the end of their lives. Key ethical issues related to end-of-life care including, roles and responsibilities of allied health professionals, advance directives, euthanasia, medical futility, do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders, pain management, grief, spiritual considerations, physiologic changes, and considerations for pediatric patients that are examined. (Spring- 1 credit).

CHP 499/599 Interprofessional Care for Autism Spectrum Disorder

This course will use an active-learning interprofessional focus to learn about the neuroscience regarding development of ASD and clinical interventions for the benefit of clients with ASD. This course will use pre-class readings and in-class group case work to observe the roles of several professions in client advocacy and treatment. Special focuses will be on health care provider communication and collaboration, and client sensory sensitivities, behavioral, and medical needs. The wide range of severity with ASD will be appreciated, and varied levels of treatments will be discussed. (Spring - 1 credit)

CHP 499/599 Sex & Sexuality

CHP 499/599 Developmental Disabilities Across the Life

CHP 499/599 Systemic Factors in Healthcare

CHP 499/599 Wellness and Burnout Prevention

Contact Us

To register for one of these courses, please contact:

Katrina Gust | CHP Administrative Assistant x2650