Severe Thunderstorms Possible

Severe thunderstorms are possible in the Portland area and Willamette Valley. Take precautions to stay safe. Es posible que se produzcan tormentas eléctricas severas en la zona de Portland y el valle de Willamette. Tome precauciones para mantenerse a salvo.

Details / Detalles

Dyslexia Certificate Curriculum

The Dyslexia Certificate at Pacific University is a 15-credit program. Field experience is embedded in each of the five 3-credit classes and course delivery is 100 percent online in synchronous and asynchronous settings.

Each course aligns with International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and International Literacy Association (ILA) standards.

Course Description Credits
RDNG 413/613 Literacy Evaluations for Instructions 3
RDNG 414/614 Perspectives on Visual Functioning & Learning 3
RDNG 411/611 Literacy Fundamentals I 3
RDNG 412/612 Literacy Fundamentals II 3
RDNG 410/610 Foundations of Literacy Acquisition & Development 3
  Total Program Credits 15

Course Catalog

Contact Us

Karren Timmermans | Dyslexia Certificate Coordinator
541-632-8812 |