Placement Testing for Incoming Students
Placement is a web-based language test for incoming students that can be taken anywhere, anytime.
All incoming first year students are required to take the Foreign Language Placement Test prior to advising and registration for fall courses. The Placement Test is a web-based test that can be taken anywhere, anytime. The test scores provide the appropriate placement level for continuing language study. If you do not complete the placement test in time for advising and registration, your registration may be delayed.
You do not need to take the Placement Test if:
- You have never studied a second language
- You plan to start learning a new language you have never learned before.
Proficiency in a foreign language is one of the general education (core) requirements for graduation from Pacific University. To fulfill the Foreign Language Core Requirement, you must demonstrate the successful completion of a 102-or higher level course or demonstrate equivalent proficiency. Pacific University offers courses in American Sign Language, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish.
If your Placement Test score recommends a placement beyond the 102-level requirement, you may register for higher level classes. This places you on a fast track to a major or minor in the language. You may also qualify to take a proctored Proficiency Test to seek exemption from the Foreign Language Core Requirement.
Before You Take the Placement Test
- Read the Placement Test Taker Guide and the Frequently Asked Questions.
- Configure your Computer
- You are responsible for ensuring the readiness of the computer you will be using for the test.
- The test includes a speaking section. You will need a headset or microphone to record your voice. If your computer is not able to record audio, you may test in the CLIC.
- Practice: Take the Practice Test to become familiar with the online testing format and work out technical problems. Students who take the practice test do better on the Placement test.
Should I study?
No. There is no need to study for the Placement test. It is meant to assesses your language skills as they are. Do your best for the most accurate placement. No dictionaries, websites or other supplemental help are allowed.
Ready? Set? Go!
Did you read the Test Taker Guide? Be sure to do that first.
To take the test, login at using the codes below. The Advising Center will receive your test scores within about 7 days.
Language | 2021-22 Test Codes |
Password | Login Name |
Spanish | 11871-pl-sp-1 | 9982 | Lastname_First or your PUNetID |
Spanish for HERITAGE Speakers |
11871a-pl-sh-1 | 8892 | Lastname_First or your PUNetID |
Japanese | 11871-pl-jp-5 | 9264 | Lastname_First or your PUNetID |
French | 11871-pl-fr-2 | 8874 | Lastname_First or your PUNetID |
German | 11871-pl-gr-4 | 2537 | Lastname_First or your PUNetID |
Chinese | 11871-pl-cs-3 | 3956 | Lastname_First or your PUNetID |
Review frequently asked questions about audio recording problems, technology issues, who must take the placement test, test results and core requirements.
Proficiency Testing for Core Requirement and Majors
Students enrolled in 102-level world language courses are required to take a language proficiency test at the end of the course to assess the language skills achieved after two semesters of study. The results of the STAMP4s test will both provide you with a valuable assessment of your individual language skills, as well as help the World Languages department evaluate the strengths of Pacific students’ language skills after two semesters of instruction. The results will be available to you as well as your instructor. The STAMP4s test is also used for students seeking an exemption to the core world language requirement and by students majoring in world languages.
What is STAMP4s?
The STAMP4s test is a web-based test that assesses language proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening. It is a proctored exam that takes about two hours, although there is no time limit, and you may work as long as you need. Most students take about 90-120 minutes to finish.
Prepare for the Test
- Recommended: Read the STAMP4s Test Taker Guide (pdf).
- Important!: Take the STAMP4s practice test. It takes about 15 minutes
- Optional: Read the STAMP4s Benchmarks and Rubrics Guide (pdf) if you want information about the skills you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain test level. We expect students to achieve level 4, intermediate-low, by the end of 102 for European languages and level 3, novice-high, for Asian languages.
- The test must be taken under supervision of a proctor.
- No paper, pens, pencils, phones, dictionaries, textbooks, etc. are allowed in the testing area.
- You may not write notes to prepare your spoken recording.
- No additional computer applications or browser windows may be open during testing.
Fees for Placement and Proficiency Tests
There is no fee for entering students to complete the placement test. Likewise, there is no fee for students enrolled in a 102 level language course at Pacific to complete the STAMP4s test. If you wish to test for other purposes, for example, to prove language proficiency to seek exemption from the CORE language requirement, the following charges apply:
- The fee for the placement test is $39.50.
- The fee for the STAMP4s is $59, plus a proctoring fee of $20 per hour, rounded to the quarter hour.