Post-Baccalaureate Data Science Certificate Academic Advising

Applicants who have been admitted to the School of Natural Sciences as a post-baccalaureate student in data science will be assigned an academic advisor. Data science post-baccalaureate academic advising will be done either in-person or virtually.

The academic advisor and admitted student will review requirements and discuss any questions that the student may have. It is recommended that the student have their undergraduate transcripts available for the advising session. Students may bring unofficial transcripts. At the advising session, the student and advisor will complete a planned program of study for the post-bacc data science certificate program.

Planned Program of Study

The academic advisor and the student will complete a Planned Program of Study Form to map out the schedule for completing the data science courses. The data science post-baccalaureate program consists of four courses totaling 14 semester hours. The post-baccalaureate student and the academic advisor will sign and date the form.

All enrolled students are subject to Pacific University’s academic standards and regulations.