Looking for low-priced, used outdoor equipment? Outdoor Pursuits is hosting a Gear Sale on May 1st and this gear will be available to purchase! Come by the newly renovated building located right across the street from West Marsh Lawn at 2017 21st Ave. from 4-6pm and see what gear we have available!
Looking for low-priced, used outdoor equipment? Outdoor Pursuits is hosting a Gear Sale on Thursday, May 1st and gear will be available to purchase! Check out the newly renovated building located right across the street from West Marsh Lawn at 2017 21st Ave. Come by from 4 to 6pm and see what gear we have in store!
University Council meetings are open to all Pacific community members. The agenda can be viewed one week before the meeting.
Join us for the Pacific University Spring Orchestra Concert, Friday, May 2.
Pacific University Dance presents their annual Choreographers Informal.
Join Outdoor Pursuits and fellow classmates for a fun evening by the UC with campfire games, music and s'mores. Stop by after class and relax with friends!
The Indigenous Student Alliance is proud to host its second annual powwow in collaboration with the Beaverton/Hillsboro School District Indian Ed program. This year's powwow will honor Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Persons. Attendees are encouraged to wear red in honor of our missing and murdered brothers and sisters.
Save the date for ISA's 2025 Missing & Murdered Indigenous Peoples Awareness Powwow. May 3, 2025 in the Stoller Center on the Forest Grove campus.
Register now to join us when our 175th Anniversary Tour comes to San Francisco. Connect with Pacific leaders, fellow Boxers and more to celebrate our rich history and bold plans for the future!
Please join us in honoring the work of Pacific University faculty and staff. Immediately following the awards ceremony, enjoy an ice cream social with fellow colleagues on the patio outside of McCready Hall.