OD Schedule | Island Eyes Conference 2025

Speaker photo

Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025

3:30 - 5:10 p.m. — The Glaucoma Compass | COPE GL | Dr. Nathan Lighthizer and Dr. Mitch Ibach
Glaucoma is one of the most common vision-threatening disorders that we see in our exam chair on a day-in and day-out basis. Clinical and scientific evidence supports the use of numerous tests to help in the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of glaucoma. This interactive glaucoma lecture will review some of the classic tests for glaucoma including IOP measurement, gonioscopy, and ONH imaging. It will also introduce and give participants the opportunity to get hands-on with newer technology including OCT, OCT-A

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.  Optional: Welcome Reception 

Monday, Jan. 13, 2025

7 – 7:50 a.m. — Top 5 Things Not to Miss in Neuro| COPE #NO | Dr. Cecelia Koetting 
In this lecture, we will discuss the most common and concerning neurological issues that present in our offices. Timely diagnosis in these patients is important and understanding what testing should be ordered and when treatment is indicated will be reviewed.

8 – 8:50 a.m. — Keratoconus and Crosslinking in the 21st Century | COPE TD| Dr. Mitch Ibach
This interactive course will discuss the most up-to-date treatment options for keratoconus. We will discuss the importance of comprehensive management of keratoconus patients, everything from early diagnosis, corneal crosslinking, refractive surgical options, and optical devices. A focus will be showing the updates to corneal crosslinking.

9:20 - 11 a.m. — Oral Medications in Eyecare: A New Vision | COPE #SP | Dr. Roberto “Bobby” Saenz
This course will provide an interactive review of the role of oral medications in different ocular conditions. An emphasis will be placed on the variety of ways to use different oral medications and new updates on the treatment and management of these conditions. The course will include electronic polling to provide instantaneous feedback.

11:10 - 12 p.m. — The Highs and Lows of Soft Contact Lens Fitting | COPE CL | Dr. Mari Fujimoto 
This course will take a systematic approach to understanding the sagittal depth of the ocular surface in an effort to improve contact lens design and prescribing enhancing visual and physiologic outcomes.  Case histories will be presented that demonstrate the measurement of the sagittal depth of the eye its integration into the design of contact lenses.

12:10- 1:00 p.m. — Corneal Ulcers from Z-A (Zoster to Acanthamoeba) | COPE TD | Dr. Mitch Ibach
This lecture will discuss the case history clues, slit lamp signs, and demonstrate how to properly culture the corneal ulcer to avoid misdiagnosis. Correct diagnosis is only fifty percent of the battle, this lecture will also use evidence-based research to cover current and emerging treatment approaches to infectious keratitis. Cases will be presented to educate on specific pathogens leading to corneal ulcers, with a deeper dive on Acanthamoeba keratitis.

*For those signed up for the Laser Certification course: 

Laser Physics – 1 hour
Laser Tissue Interactions – 1 hour
Intro to Lasers Lab – 2 hours
Gonioscopy – 1 hour

Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025

7 – 7:50 a.m. — Glaucoma Gauntlet: Managing Cases from Diagnosis to Treatment | COPE GL| Dr. Mitch Ibach
Glaucoma’s chronic progressive nature necessitates pairing and leveraging multiple treatments with a goal of buying years of non-progression. Eyecare providers are currently armed with topical medications, drug delivery, laser surgeries, and intraocular surgeries to treat intraocular pressure and ultimately glaucoma. Using patient cases, this lecture will challenge attendees to work through the glaucoma diagnostics, decide on treatment necessity, and ultimately select the treatment modality. Peer-reviewed evidence will be reviewed.

8 – 8:50 a.m. — Myopia Management: The Long Story Short | COPE #CL | Dr. Mari Fujimoto
The increasing prevalence of myopia has global public health implications and has become an important area of research in the ophthalmic community.  This course will describe current and potential future contact lens options for myopia control in clinical practice.

9:20 - 11 a.m. — LASER CERTIFICATION COURSE | COPE PH | Lead: Dr. Nate Lighthizer
Laser Therapy for the Open Angle Glaucomas

11:10 - Noon — Nutrition and the Eye, From Front to Back | COPE GODr. Cecelia Koetting
Nutrition and diet are something that we know is important for our entire body, but how familiar are we with the specifics of how it affects the ocular system? We will discuss the impact of nutrition in regards to both anterior and posterior segment of eye as well as venture into the inner workings our brain in relation to our visual system. We will also the problems that can occur to our patients when there is too much or too little of specific vitamins and minerals.

12:10- 1 p.m. — Grand Rounds: Ocular Surface Potpourri | COPE CL | Dr. Mari Fujimoto
This course will review various cases of ocular surface disease and deepen the understanding of disease management with topical medications, as well as specialty contact lenses while considering the corneal health and visual implications. Case histories will discuss the diagnosis and management of inflammatory and dry eye conditions and will demonstrate creative problem solving.

Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025

7 – 7:50 a.m. — Fitting the FLC (Funny Looking Cornea) | COPE CL | Dr. Mari Fujimoto 
This course will review various cases of irregular corneas and deepen the understanding of selecting an appropriate specialty lens modality, while considering the corneal health and visual implications. The course will guide the practitioner on to troubleshoot a specialty lens fit when ocular complications are involved.  Case histories that demonstrate creative problem solving and discuss the strengths of contact lens options in various situations will be presented.

8 – 8:50 a.m. — When it isn't Glaucoma.... or is it? | COPE #GL | Dr. Roberto “Bobby Saenz”
Learn to distinguish glaucoma from similar conditions using case studies and diagnostic strategies, enhancing your ability to provide accurate and effective patient care.

9:20 - 11 a.m. — Grand Rounds: A String of Oral Narcotics and Other Pearls | COPE PH| Dr. Nate Lighthizer
Prescription narcotics can be some of the most beneficial short-term medications that we as optometrists can prescribe. Due to potential abuse risks and side effects, they can also be some of the most harmful. This interactive lecture will review some of the most commonly prescribed oral narcotics and their appropriate use, along with other grand rounds cases.

11:10 - noon — Contemporary Refractive Surgery: A Clear View on Today's Options | COPE PO |Dr. Mitch Ibach
Techniques for refractive surgery have been modified considerably over the last 2 decades. Newer methods have different adverse events and benefits. It is important for providers to understand the different options available for their patients with refractive errors.

12:10 - 1 p.m. — The Ugly Truth About Demodex Blepharitis or Demodex Diaries | COPE TD | Dr. Cecelia Koetting 
When is blepharitis not JUST blepharitis? Demodex is a tiny mite that occurs on our skin and lives within out hair follicles, including on our eyes. Ocular infestation can cause all sorts of complaints from patients. It is important to know how to identify these bugs and how to control them. Join me as we discuss the Demodex Diaries.

*For those signed up for the Laser Certification course:

Laser Therapy for the Narrow Angles – 1 hour
YAG laser Capsulotomy – 1 hour

Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025 - NO CLASSES

Friday, Jan. 17, 2024

7 – 7:50 a.m. — The Big Mac: The OD's Approach to Common Maculopathies | COPE TD| Dr. Roberto “Bobby” Saenz
This course will provide a case based interactive review of the most common maculopathies. This course will focus on the role of the optometrist in the diagnosis of these conditions as well as review updates on the treatment and management of these conditions will be discussed as well. The course will include electronic polling to provide instantaneous feedback.

8 – 8:50 a.m. — Visual Fields: A Virtual Reality| COPE GL Dr. Mitch Ibach
Visual fields defined are the complete image that is visible at a single time point. From screening to suprathreshold visual fields, eyecare providers can employ perimetry to detect and monitor defects caused by neurologic, retina, or glaucomatous disease. This lecture will review disease conditions that warrant visual field testing, when to order perimetry, and how to interpret the visual field results. New technologies and platforms for perimetry will be discussed.

9:20 - 11 a.m. — Co-Managing the Complex Cornea | COPE PO Dr. Cecelia Koetting
Many of our patients have had or may need complex corneal surgeries. In this course we will discuss some of these corneal surgeries and how to manage the patients after surgery.

11:10 - noon — Opening Up on Narrow Angles | COPE GL | Dr. Roberto “Bobby” Saenz
This course will discuss what to do with patients with narrow angles and closed angles. Doctors will learn how to correctly identify a narrow-angle and also will learn the best treatments for narrow angles. This course will include interactive cases that were initially misdiagnosed.

12:10 - 1 p.m. — Diabetes:  New Testing and Treatment for Retinopathy | COPE TD | Dr. Nate Lighthizer
This course will provide an update and thorough understanding of the flash flicker electroretinogram (ffERG), proper indications and protocols, and how to interpret the results. Diabetic retinopathy has historically been evaluated and followed with structural tests (DFE's, OCT's and fundus photos), this lecture will explore functional testing (ERG) and newer OCT testing (OCT-A) that helps in the evaluation of diabetic patients, and will also discuss the newest literature in regards to supplementation of diabetic retinopathy patients.

*For those signed up for the Laser Certification course:

YAG Laser Capsulotomy – Part 2 – 1 hour
Laser Panel Discussion – 1 hour

Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025

7 -7:50 a.m. — Eyes are going viral: When is a red eye, not just a red eye?| COPE GO | Dr. Cecelia Koetting
When is a red eye, not just a red eye? When it is caused by a lurking virus. Ocular manifestations of viruses can cause a multitude of different problems depending on which portion of the eye is affected. We will discuss the most common viruses and STD's and how they affect the eye.

8 – 8:50 a.m. — Referral Center Grand Rounds | COPE GO | Dr. Roberto “Bobby” Saenz
This course will go through several cases that were misdiagnosed initially when a patient presented with decreased vision. This course will discuss how to think through decreased vision from front to back and include poll questions to provide instantaneous feedback.

9 – 9:50 a.m. — Arnold was wrong, It is a tumor! Now What?| COPE GODr. Cecelia Koetting
What do we do for our patients when the worst-case scenario is true? What should you do once the MRI comes back with an intracranial mass and how do we help to co-manage these patients?

10 – 10:50 a.m. — TBD | COPE #TBD | Dr. Fraser C. Horn


Laser Lab – 4 stations (YAG cap, LPI, SLT, gonio) 1 hour each
Review and final exam – 1 hour

*Course schedules are subject to change