Upcoming Events

Forest Grove, Knight Hall

Admitted undergraduate students are invited to come to campus to make their deposit in person in order to ring the bell and sign our Boxer statue. No registration required!


The Pacific University Black Alumni Chapter is open to alumni of all campuses and programs.


Join faculty, admissions staff, and current students to learn more about the education programs and application process.

Hillsboro, Hillsboro Campus Building 2, Atrium Courtyard (Room 175)

Stop by the Student Counseling Center table in the Atrium!  SCC staff will be present to answer questions about mental health resources, pass out fidgets and the occasional fun raffle!

Online, Hillsboro, Baker Hall

University Council meetings are open to all Pacific community members. The agenda can be viewed one week before the meeting.

Forest Grove, Marsh Hall, Taylor Auditorium (Room 216)

Dr. Cedric Johnson will deliver a public lecture at the crossroads of race, activism, and the criminal legal system. This is the 19th installation of the In Your Face Lecture Series hosted by the Department of Politics and Government.


Applying to Pharmacy School? Let us help you! Virtual chat with faculty and students to learn more about what our program has to offer!

Other Location

Admitted undergraduate students in Oregon’s Clackamas County are invited to bring their guests for a reception April 14 at Elden’s Restaurant. Meet with various Pacific staff, faculty and directors, and get to know other local students heading to Pacific!

Forest Grove, Washburne University Center, Multi-Purpose Room (MPR), Hillsboro, Baker Hall

All staff are invited to the Quarterly All-Staff Meeting. The agenda and Zoom link can be viewed one week before the meeting.

Hillsboro, Hillsboro Campus Building 2, Atrium Courtyard (Room 175)

As many of the programs in Hillsboro approach finals season, the Professional Student Senate, Student Counseling Center and Student and Employee Health Center want to provide some extra support!