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Les AuCoin stands in front of the Portland skyline with Mt Hood in the background
The collected papers of Pacific alumnus and former U.S. Rep. Les AuCoin are now available to researchers, students and others at the Tran Library at Pacific University.
Get Tickets On Our Website
Boxer Athletics welcomes our new partnership with Hometown Ticketing to provide season and single-game tickets this year. The site is live, and you can purchase season tickets in reserved sections B & C until Sept. 9 when we open individual game reserved tickets to the general public. We encourage you to purchase tickets online and save yourself from the potentially long lines at the ticket office on Saturdays.
Recent alumni return to campus to celebrate Special Commencement for the classes of 2020 and 2021
It was a day long overdue on Sunday as members of Pacific University’s classes of 2020 and 2021 had the opportunity to cross the stage in celebration of their graduations.
College of Health Professions graduates celebrate August Commencement
The university celebrated its annual August Commencement, recognizing the accomplishments of graduation degree candidates from the College of Health Professions schools of Audiology, Dental Hygiene Studies, Graduate Psychology, Healthcare Administration & Leadership, Occupational Therapy, and Physician Assistant Studies, as well as in the university’s cross-curricular PhD in Education & Leadership Program.
Enie Vaisburd film professor
For the past three years Enie Vaisburd, Multimedia associate professor, has been working on a project that is close to her heart. She completed the feature documentary, A Midsummer’s Night Dream in Prison, on behalf of a fellow filmmaker who died in 2019.   
Pacific students in the Pharmacy Lab
Optometry and pharmacy — two of Pacific's specialties — are among the Top Jobs for 2022.
An early class at the Early Learning Community, including current Pacific student Skylar Sanchez '25
From preschool to becoming undergraduates, two students have grown up at Pacific University.
Nancy Christoph
Christoph teaches Spanish, dual languages and international studies at Pacific University.
Ami Halvorson
Multiple Pacific alumni, professors and students were honored in July by the Oregon Optometric Physicians Association.
Amanda Stead
Communications Science and Disorders Professor Amanda Stead will be honored by the American Speech Language Hearing Association for her special contributions in higher education.
