News, Media and Stories | Faculty & Staff

Explore the Joseph Gale Bigs-in-Schools Mentorship Program! Become a mentor and make a difference in the life of a young person. Your commitment requires only two- hours each month, and will have a lasting impact on the life of a young person in the Forest Grove community.
Screen shot of search platform
Marketing & Communications has implemented a new search platform on the university website! Get better results, search across multiple Pacific sites, and filter your results by academic program, events, news, people, social posts, date and more!
Stoller gym workout
Last call for Boxer Boot Camp 2023. Faculty and staff are paired with their own personal student trainer and a nutritional assistant as part of this 11-week program. Register by Friday, Feb. 10, for this free class!
Couple kissing
Pacific University's Theatre Department proudly presents its Winter 2023 production: "Constellations" by Nick Payne, directed byElliot Lorenc '20. Join us for performances from Feb. 9 through Feb. 12.
Faculty and students from the School of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training will be sharing their expertise at the 2023 American Physical Therapy Association's Oregon Conference. The annual chapter meeting takes place in March at Providence St. Vincent.
Be a good neighbor and park in designated parking lots around campus or on the street, and follow posted parking signs to avoid the risk of being towed. Still need a 2023 parking sticker for the Forest Grove Campus? Renew it online.
The Center for a Sustainable Society will be opening a new free store behind Drake House this spring! Before the grand opening, we are accepting donations from anyone, and will offer essentials for students, including clothing, cookware, dorm essentials, appliances, and more!
The Datos App, which was used throughout Pacific University's COVID-19 response, is being discontinued effect Jan. 31, 2023. For the most current, up-to-date COVID-19 information please visit the Pacific University COVID-19 Response website.
2023 rings in the Year of the Rabbit and the Vietnamese Year of the Cat. Join Pacific University's Asian Pacific American Student Union, Chinese Qilin Club, Japan Club, Korea Club, and the Vietnamese Student Association for a celebration of the Lunar New Year on Feb. 9.
Senators pose for a photo
Join Staff Senate on the Hillsboro and Forest Grove campuses to learn more and get to know our senators over refreshments and giveaways! Stop by from 2 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at the Hillsboro Campus or March 15 at the Forest Grove Campus. We hope to see staff members at one of our two open houses!
